[*NOTE*] This is modified TXT for bobsp1 I do not have the original file for it. To me, Bob Averill Is god, So I Thought I'd send this for him. If you See this Bob, E-Mail me @ dukechampion@computer.org [/*NOTE*] ====================================================================== Title : BOBDM1 Filename : bobdm1.map Author : Bob Averill E-mail : bobaverill@hotmail.com Web Page : http://www.teleport.com/~edaa/bobpage/index.html Misc. Author Info : I'm the inventor of the clear-water effect, get the tutorial at Dukeworld. Also, the 3d controllable ladders, the SE-less portals, the 3D switches, and many other revolutionary effects. Other Levels : hundreds, but I've only RELEASED Bobsp1.map, and my excellent DM map, Halflife.map. Description : Deathmatch Additional Credits To : ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : It only works that way in DooM, stupid. Single Player : No. DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yeah Baby!! Cooperative 2-8 Player : No. Difficulty Settings : N/A New Art : No, but you'll think there is. New Music : Nah New Sound Effects : Nope. I never put extra files in my levels; I like to show what can be done with regular old BUILD. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : Made from scratch, that's how REAL mappers do it. Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD. (why do they even ask?) Art Editor(s) Used : None new art is for wussies who can't make the most of the art that comes with the game. Construction Time : I don't know. Time flies when I'm mapping. ;) Known Bugs/Problems : None. * Where to get this MAP file * File location : If you have the text file, you have the map. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : None. My maps dont have any extra files, remember? everything is done with plain old BUILD. Important Notes : Please people, I made this map and started the Bobsp series because there are nothing but crappy maps out there. Put EFFORT into your maps, dont think that BUILD has limits, simply form a mental image of the place you want to make as if it were real, then build it in every detail; don't stop adding details, shading/shadows, and tweaking textures until it looks EXACTLY like what you pictured. Make maps as if you're mapping for UnReal; dont think that since BUILD is old that it cant look better than the game levels; it can look damn good, and be interactive in ways other games can't touch, and my maps are proof. Be inspired, and make maps that are better looking and more intercative than anything you've played, and dont settle for anything less than perfect. ======================================================================