----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Canyon City | | Map for Duke Nukem V1.4+ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title : Canyon City Filename : CANYONC.MAP Author : Vedran Jelenic IRC/ICQ Nick : Zagor ICQ UIN : 841637 E-mail : vedran.jelenic@zg.tel.hr ( use this one, please ) zagor77@yahoo.com HomeTown : Zagreb, CROATIA, Europe HomePage : http://www.inet.hr/~vjelenic/ http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5911 You can get all my maps there. Check it out PLEASE !!! Description : After the hard time Duke had cleaning Los Angeles out from the aliens he decided to go to Canyon City, a city on a lake where he used to spend his holidays. It's a small quiet city far away from other big urban places with just enough entertainment a man needs to rest. It's a small quiet place, well it was, until now, 'cause the aliens are back and Duke is forced to confront them once again. The main weapon in the level is a shotgun. There's just enough health and ammo but don't waste it, play smart and you won't have any problem finishing this level. After you find the first access card the rest should be no problem. Good luck ;) Notice : This map is made especially for Duke Nukem Inc.'s contest ( http://www.dukeworld.com/dukeinc ). They have a collection of damn good levels there, so, check it out ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Other maps for DN3D that I've made before : Down For Life - DFL.MAP Face To Face - F2F.MAP Street Justice - STREETJ.MAP Labirint - LABIRINT.MAP Fight Fire With Fire - FIGHTFWF.MAP Home, Sweet Home - HOMESH.MAP Front - FRONT.MAP Dark Alley - DRKALLEY.MAP Bulls - BULLS.MAP One For All - 1FORALL.MAP Dark Alley V2.00 - DALLEY2.MAP District - DISTRICT.MAP Urban Chaos - UCHAOS.MAP City At Night - CAN.MAP Instant Death - IDEATH.MAP Mystique's AGES IN TIME TC maps : E2L1, E2L2, E3L7 & E4L5 If you wanna download AIT TC, please check out : WWW.MYSTIQUE.ORG or WWW.DUKEWORLD.COM I've also made one, well let's say 75% of one map for Duke VS Doom 2 TC. *** My maps for Shadow Warrior : Bulls 2, Bulls 2x, Assasin, Conflict, Purple Plague If you wanna download any of these maps please go to : http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/5911 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** Play Information Single Player : Yes !!! Cooperative : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented *** Construction Base : New level from scratch Build Time : About a week Editor(s) used : Build, of course Known Bugs : None that I know of *** Copyright / Permissions - Authors MAY NOT use CANYONC.MAP as a base to build additional levels. - You MAY distribute CANYONC.MAP provided you include this file, with no modifications. - You may distribute CANYONC.MAP in any electronic format ( BBS, Diskette, CD etc. ) as long as you include this TXT intact. - You MAY include CANYONC.MAP in any GROUP complitations. - You may not alter the level in any way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** JUNE 27, 2000. ------------------------------------------------------------< JeLeNiC >------