================================================================ Title : Docking Doom Filename : DD.map Author : Lanna Deones Email Address : Girl_Online@hotmail.com Misc. Author Info : I'm just a regular gal working on Duke3d maps. I am on the SST_TC Team, and with the Warfare TC Team. (Both teams rock!) Description : Details: Duke is a regular cargo inspector, sent to orbiting space docks to check for illegal cargo. As a routine check up on the dock station, Zero Alpha, finds Duke uninterested, a sudden distress signal comes up for only a second. Duke grabs his pistol and locks and loads. While Duke finds a docking port, he notices another ship come to the station, figuring that it was a cargo ship, it was no threat to him. Duke finds docking port 2, and readies himself of what might come. I promise to god I'll never make another crappy map again. (well, until the next time I don't care how the level ends) Additional Credits to : Bob, he helped me make the main corridor. My brother, for stealing most of my coffee. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented, but hard. * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : If you do not find a bug, e-mail me. * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: Where did you get this map? BBS numbers: BBS?? Other: I'm sorry for making a map like this, the crappy quality of this map is so my fault and will never find this quality in any other of my maps.