Duke Nukem Atomic Edition or Plutonium Pak Required and Nuclear Winter ========================================== New Release: 12/28/99 Title: Duke's Snowy Adventure II, Stolen Weapons; 2.0 (Split Files Version) Filename: DSA2A-D.ZIP Size: add them all up: 2.33MB Author: Curtis Eng (See TC page for additional credits.) E-Mail Address: engintl@jps.net, neodyne1@hotmail.com Webpage: http://wcorp.8m.com/welcome.html Misc. Author Info: This is the first add-on I made using the addon Duke: Nuclear Winter. I am making TC after this called Urban Assault. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Remove all art, voc, map, wav, mid, and any other files that may interfere with this TC. Extract all files from all the DSA2A-D.ZIPs into your Duke3d Atomic directory. To activate the TC, type . Then to play, type . When you quit the TC, to turn it off, type . BETA TESTERS Please report any bugs and errors you may see when playing this TC. Please take screenshots of them if you are in the game. TC INFORMATION Description: A TC of two episodes. Episode one has six levels (Level 6 is DM only.). Episode two has six. You must find the hidden storage in Los Angeles where the aliens and elves are hiding the three weapons you MUST retrieve to complete the level or you will not be able to proceed to the rest of the levels. The final boss is Santa. There are new cut scenes too. See DSA2 page for story. ============================================================================ Play Information Episodes: 1 and 2 Single Player: Yes Dukematch: Yes Cooperative: Yes Difficulty Settings: Yes Build Information Time: About five months Known Bugs: The E2L2 level may crash. If it does, then warp past it. Editors Used: Build, Editart, Paint, Microsoft Word 6.0, Winzip Where to Get This TC You got it. Legal Info: Do not distribute this TC unless NO files are modified. You may not post it on any webpage. You can not build any levels using any DSA2 files with out my permission. Any of DSA2's data may NOT be used for anything else. Have Fun!! END (2 pages long)