====================================================================== Filename : esarea54.zip (includes esarea54.map & esarea54.txt) Title : Escape from area 54 Author : Juha Laaksonen Web Page : http://www.dukesivut.cjb.net (In finnish!) E-mail : jss.laaksonen@pp.inet.fi Description : Hmm.. Escape? FOR ATOMIC EDITION ONLY! Tips: Don't even try kill all the enemies (on skill #3). Spare your ammo for situations where you really need them. Look behind every corner to find stuff. Be careful! ;) Additional credits to : Dukebert and Pascal Rouaud for beta-testing this level! Thanx guys!!!!! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : user map Single Player : Yes Co-op level : No DukeMatch Level : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (If you want it to be hard, try skill #3 ;) (Just right for me)) New art : No New music : No New sounds : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Nothing. Time of build : About 3-4 months (about 2 weeks of hard building) ====================================================================== If you like (or don't like) this level, please e-mail me! * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You MAY distribute this MAP (esarea54.map), provided you include this text file (esarea54.txt), with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Bla bla bla... ;)