DUKE NUKEM - SINGLE PLAYER LEVEL ====================================================================== Title : Descent into Hades File : hades-ca.map Author : Chris Allcock E-mail : steve.allcock4@virgin.net Web Page : http://jump.to/chris@his-site/ STORY: Normally, General Hayes offered Duke a hearty handshake and a cup of coffee before a mission briefing. Today, though, there were such pleasantries. Duke had been ordered straight into the General's office and not even offered a chair. He tapped his foot impatiently until the General spoke. "At 18:47pm yesterday aftermoon, we lost contact with the Hades Facility, An EDF R&D (Research & Design) base built underground in the Arizona desert. No transmissions were recieved before contact was lost. "Your job, Duke, is to go enter the facillity and find out what happened to the people who work there. When you're done, transmit a call signal on frequency 1-5-2-9 and we'll send in a helicopter to pick you up. Now get going." "Wait, wait." Duke protested. "What exactly does this place research?" "I can't tell you that, Duke. It's top secret." "Don't give me that BS, General! I can't just go in unprepared!" The General sighed. "Duke, I can't tell you because, frankly, I don't know. Only a select few members of the CIA have high enough clearance to access the Hades database." The General leant in closer. "You'll have to find out what they've been doing from their computer system, which is still mostly functional. All I've been able to find out is that we've recently been shipping the corpses of the aliens you killed last year." The General handed Duke a file. "Here's all the information I could get on Hades. Good luck, Duke." ------ CIA FILE: TOP SECRET (For your eyes only) ----- The Hades Facility is an experimental underground complex utilising the latest in 21st Century materials and archtecture. The discovery of Bi-polymer compounds in 2012 meant that, for the first time, an underground structure could withstand the pressures of the rock above without the need for supports - thusly, the Hades Facility is spacious and open, for the most part, without the need for large quantities of visible beams and struts. This new style allows for a working environment as spacious as any state-of-the-art office building and allows employees to work in a pleasant environment. In addition to a large and well-equipped office complex, the Hades Facility also boasts a number of technologically advanced research laboratories, an infirmary, storage areas and a helipad to allow subtle ingress and egress of personnel. In case of attack from a hostile force, the Hades complex has a highly-trained team of security personnel, an armory and even instant communicans across the site thanks to an Intranet. -------------------- END OF FILE -------------------- ====================================================================== Play Information Episode and Level # : E1L8 Single Player : Yes Co-op mode : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : No Time taken to BUILD : 50-60 hours, at least. Construction *Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : None Verision needed : V1.3 or above. New art : No New cons : No New music : Yes - from Shadowrun on the SNES, one of the all time great RPGs. Credits to: 3D Realms, and my Betatesters: Blazing Torch, Bob Averill and Dukebert. Where to get this MAP file http://blazing-torch.org.uk OR http://jump.to/chris@his-site/