====================================================================== Title : Holiday Holocaust Filenames : holiday.map tiles014.art game.con Author : C3PO, Bgame Productions --> Map design Moloch, Bgame Productions --> Con hacks E-mail : magnar_j@hotmail.com ICQ UIN : 18834212 Web Page : None Misc. Author Info : I`m the lead level designer for the Starship Troopers TC. Check it out at : www.dukeworld.com/starshiptroopers Other Levels : Leaving L.A for Duke3d v1.4/1.5 Research Station for Duke3d v1.4/1.5 Fruit Loops for Duke3d v1.4/1.5 Description : Duke is up against something far greater and more powerfull than your standard army of bloodthirsty aliens. This time, Mother Earth is out to get him ! After having saved the earth numerous times, Duke is treated to an all-expenses paid vacation by the EDF. EDF, known to cut corners, sent Duke to the most exotic and fun-filled place 125$ can buy. "Dusty Creek Hotel", Arizona. What Duke nor EDF knows is that the hotel is situated on top of a dorment volcano. Until now. After just 2 days in "paradise", Duke is suddenly tossed out of bed. Looks like the volcano just woke up... Your mission : Get the hell out of the hotel before it collapses ! Additional Credits To : Matt from Duke Inc, which held the competition which motivated me to make this map. Deathtoll for the neat name =) Moloch for the con-hacks. Thanks man! TerminX for helping me solve some Build-errors. Thanks ! ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : It`s a userlevel Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Nope Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : Yes, in a way... New Music : Nope New Sound Effects : Nope New .CON Files : Yes, a modified game.con Demos Replaced : Nope Con hacks : Lava is _very_ deadly. Stay away. You now have to eat food/drink whiskey to regain health. The old broken-toilet method still works though. ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : DukeRes Construction Time : About 2 months on and off Known Bugs/Problems : Uhm, none that I know off... * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Duke Inc. ( www.dukeworld.com/dukeinc ) ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Copy everything into your Duke3d directory, then use Setup.exe to launch the map! Important Notes : This map was made as my contribution to the Duke Nukem Inc. mapping contest. To restore health you`ll have to eat food and drink water/alcohol. Just walk up to a burger or bottle and Duke will automatically eat/drink it. Lava is hot. Actually, it`s damn hot. It doesn`t just hurt to stand in the lava now, it`s even dangerous to be near it! Keep your exposure to lava to an absolute minimum. Look at every computer you come across. Press `Space` on the screen. Feel free to send me your positive/negative comments about this map, it will help me make better maps in the future. My e-mail address is magnar_j@hotmail.com ======================================================================