====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : Monster Arena Filename : monarena.map Author : Joshua Foster E-mail : joshua_70448@ureach.com Voicemail : (877)381-0303, ext. 734 Yahoo! Messenger ID : joshua_70448_2 AOL IM ID : JoshuaF00 Web Page : http://all.at/joshua Misc. Author Info : Major computer nerd Other Levels : This is my first level Description : While chasing the last of the aliens through LA, Duke Nukem turns a corner, and suddenly everything goes dark. When he awakes, he finds himself at the front desk of the Monster Arena. He knows that if he wants to save the Earth from the aliens, he must make sure that the Monster Arena doesn't make good of its name! Additional Credits To : My brother gave me the idea, and the good people at the 3D Realms Build Help Forum, specifically Little Dukie and cyborg, for getting me started. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : None Single Player : Hell yea! DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Nope Cooperative 2-8 Player : Maybe later Difficulty Settings : Not implemented My Time : 1:00 Par Time : 3:31 ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : 1 week Known Bugs/Problems : Here's a list as of 7/10/2000: 1) The bridge in the main arena sometimes doesn't show up. 2) Don't use no clipping around the yellow upstairs door; that hides a major bug. 3) The elevators are a little iffy, so if the elevator keeps going up or down, use no clipping and walk forward, or restart the level. 4) After you end the level and view your stats, the game forces you to "MULTI- PLAYER 3" and quits. If you find anymore or know how to fix these, email me! Tips : 1) Watch out when you pick up the blue key! 2) Don't try looking for a yellow or green key, and don't try unlocking them. 3) Save your chaingun ammo! ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Just copy monarena.map to your Duke3d folder and run Duke Nukem 3D as "duke3d -map monarena" Important Notes : If you want to use this level as a base, go ahead. If you have any suggestions, comments, or questions, please email me! ======================================================================