================================================================ Title : MP's Crucial Conflict: 1 - Suspicious Storage Filename : mpcc1 Author : Maarten Pinxten Email Address : M.F.Pinxten@student.tudelft.nl Description : This is the first of the Crucial Conflict trilogy. I haven't made the whole story yet, it will evolve while I build its levels. During the neverending fight against the alien domination, mankind has seen many strange and shocking things. Women being kidnapped and held in coccoons, average day streetlife being brutally disturbed by the unknown power from outer space... With huge efforts, the Earth Defence Forces (EDF) have been able to stabilize the situation. Now it is time to fight back and stop the invasion. Duke Nukem, EDF's best agent, has been sent out on a seemingly routine flight above the west of Europe, to search for the source of the European invasion. But while flying above Rotterdam (NL) something strange happens. The radarscreen fades to black, technical equipment refuses to respond and the radio only makes noise. An unknown force, probably a magnetic force field, pulls the plane down. Duke tries to use the eject switch, but the control does not work. The only thing to do now is pray for a soft landing on the roof of some harbour building and look for help. With some bruses and scratches, Duke Nukem finds himself in a storage building, like there are so many in Europe's biggest mainport. If this is a base like all the other's, there will be an internal intercom system and maybe a radio to the outside world. The only thing left to do now is to venture through the facility and get some help. The place looks deserted, but maybe there are some employees left, or maybe something else... --- As you can see, this is not a regular level like all the other's. The level is mission based. There are not too many enemies, but there is even less ammo. Use it wisely. You don't have to kill every enemy you encounter, try running or sneeking to avoid contact. Pipebombs and such will only be provided for specific tasks. Don't waste them. When you spill all the ammo and shoot around like an idiot, you CAN finish the level, but it will be a lot more difficult... --- Additional Credit to : 3D Realms for making this kick-ass game, Dukebert3D and Pascal Rouaud for excellent beta-testing and support, The DMC forum for keeping the Duke dream alive, And to you of course, for wasting time playing my maps. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Of course, it's made for SP Cooperative 2-4 Player : nope Deathmatch 2-4 Player : nope, download a dm map instead Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Version 1.4 required : Hell yeah! This is my very first map the atomic edition New Sounds/Graphics/music: Of course not, Duke is as it is * Construction * Base : New from scratch Editor used : BUILD.EXE Build Time : friggin' months... I experienced a huge artistic block. Known Bugs : I don't deny that there will be some, but none which will do harm to the gameplay. * Copyright / Permissions * You can freely distribute this level and put it on your page. Don't distribute this level under your own name. If you put it on your internet page, on CD, diskette etc., ALWAYS include this textfile with it (and please let me, so I can feel honoured :) ). If you want to know how I have let things work in one of my maps, feel free to mail and ask. * Where to get this MAP * Maarten's Gamorama - http://www.crosswinds.net/~gamorama/ and probably: Dukeberts Mapzone - http://www.homestead.com/dmz DMC - http://www.dukeworld.com/dmc Maybe some other sites too but that changes by the day