======================================================================= Title : MP's Crucial Conflict: 2 - Waterworld Filename : mpcc2, mpart.art, mpcc2.bat and mpcc2.txt Author : Maarten Pinxten Email Address : mfpinxten@hotmail.com Description : The previous map, Suspicious Storage: After a routine flight above Western Europe, Duke Nukem, EDF's best agent, crashed on the roof of a storage facility near Rotterdam mainport, in The Netherlands. Completely dazed he tried to find some help or at least contact the outside world, but none of that worked out. He encountered aliens instead and not one humanbeing seemed to be alive. Only some notes and logs where left. At last he received word from EDF. They had a boat ready to pick him up. Although Duke was able to blow an alien aircraft to pieces with a well aimed torpedo, the pickup boat got blown away also. A rescue aircraft was able to pick Duke up from the sea, to bring him to safety. The new map, Waterworld: Rotterdam is one big mess. EDF has really gone too far and the aliens fight back with excessive force. Again, aliens shoot Duke's plane down, and he falls of the rope-ladder he was hanging on. In a desperate attempt to loose weight and gain height, the rescue craft captain dumps some containers and hopes for the best, but it is too late. Alone, with no weapons but his leather boots, Duke stands on an artificial island. It seems like a deserted harbour, handling supplies for oilrigs nearby. But why is it crowded with aliens? Maybe the island is just a cover-up for something big. Way bigger than anyone could ever have guessed. Venture through the island, and try to find out what the hell is going on. Maybe you can find some clues and you will have the aliens by the balls. Good Luck! It is advised that you first play mpcc1.map, if you haven't done that yet. Otherwise, have fun with this one! Additional Credit to : - 3D Realms for making this kick-ass game; - Pascal Rouaud, Matt and Dukebert for beta-testing; - Matt again for the DukeInc contest, which gave me renewed building spirit; - Valve Software and Epic Megagames, for some great textures I copied from HalfLife and Unreal; - Usurper, for his very good editart guide; - you of course, for wasting time playing my map. ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Of course, it's made for SP Cooperative 2-4 Player : nope Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Killing friends huh? No, not here. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Version 1.4 required : Yes. Can't live without it. Sorry. New Sounds/music : No, don't have the talent. New Graphics: : Hell yeah! Remember the mpcc1 txt in which I stated that Duke 'is as it is'. Well, it ain't. I've copied some textures from HalfLife and Unreal and edited some excisting textures. * Construction * Base : New from scratch Editor used : BUILD.EXE Build Time : some weeks on and off. Known Bugs : Not that I know of. None, if the beta-testers have done their job right ;-). * Copyright / Permissions * You can freely distribute this level and put it on your page. Don't distribute this level under your own name. If you put it on your internet page, on CD, diskette etc., ALWAYS include this textfile with it (and please let me know, so I can feel honoured :) ). If you want to know how I have let things work in one of my maps, feel free to mail and ask. About the art, you are NOT allowed to use the new art. If you want to, ask first and I will think about it. I want you to have as much fun searching for good textures as I had. * Where to get this MAP * Who cares, you got it right here, don't ya? Ok, I admit, I don't know. I can't say where this map is gonna end up. ======================================================================= That is all. I hope you enjoy playing the map as much as I enjoyed making it! Please email me with your comments (good as well as bad) to mfpinxten@hotmail.com