====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : Mikko Sandt Single Player 5 Filename : Mssp5 Author : Mikko Sandt E-mail : sirpa.sandt@pp.inet.fi Web Page : http://www.planetduke.com/msdn/ ( very good site, visit there ) http://www.dukeworld.com/duketournament/ ( my own Duke TC project ) Misc. Author Info : Duke map king from Finland Other Levels : From Mssp1 to Mssp5 and from Dm1 to Msdm4 and lot more. Release date : 14th of May 2000 Description : Latest Mssp level at the moment. Mssp5 will be perhaps my last Duke map ( unless I got inspiration, ideas or time ). Mssp5 is based on three different places: Space ship, Moonbase and base on earth. You can't found much Lizmens because I really do hate them. I have also been working on Duke TC called Duke Tournament. I have been working with it a year now and I finally released it ( 14th of May ). Go ahead and get your copy from http://www.dukeworld.com/duketournament/ Plot : Duke is as a prison in a spaceship called "Vortex". Suddenly all systems malfunction. Aliens have attacked. They released a dangerous virus among people at USA and at the space station. You have to escape from your cell to save the future of mankind. To read more about the story follow viewscreens. Additional Credits To : -For Mssp5 beta testers: Dukebert http://www.homestead.com/dmz/ Airhawke http://www.dukeworld.com/dmc and Bob Averill. -Bob Averill for conless ladders, energy bars and inspiration. -Matrix ( movie ) for inspiration ( ending buildings and phone teleport ). -Unreal ( game ) for inspiration ( sectors at the beginning ) -Genesis Duke site for star trek doors ( or actually info about how to make them work ok ). -Stephen King's "The Stand" ( book and movie ) and Terry Gilliam's "Twelve Monkeys" ( movie ) for virus inspiration for the level. -Pascal Rouaud for idea to see secret places from viewscreen. -Half-Life for small inspiration for base section of the level. -Quake2 map called I.S.E for inspiration ( some sectors in base underground ). -To you I hope that I didn't forgot anybody because that would be bad. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User map Single Player : YES DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes for S1, S2 and S3 ( try each of them for different game feeling ) Plutonium Pak Required : Yes ( there is no sense to own only v1.3d ) New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : Since christmas. I was pretty lazy sometimes but this level took five months of hard work. Known Bugs/Problems : No. If there are then blame beta testers :) * Where to get this MAP file * File location : I don't know yet, but at least from my sites http://www.planetduke.com/msdn/ ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Unzip all files to your Atomic/Plutonium directory then run level from your setup screen or type this command line in your dos system "duke3d -map mssp5.map". Important Notes : You may Not use this level as a part to build another levels. You may place this level at any site with this txt included. Yoy may Not use this level for commercial purposes. ======================================================================