====================================================================== Title : "Tentonium" (it means nothing but I like the name!) Filename : tenton.map Author : Kef Nukem (Kevin Cools) E-mail : kevincools@hotmail.com Please send me any comments about this map If you want place this map on your site , ok but say it first! Web Page : www.crosswinds.net/~kevincools (in progress!) or try my old site http://members.tripod.com/kevincools Misc. Author Info : Builder since a year. I come from Eindhoven (Netherlands) and I help Matt with Dukeinc and... mail me for more! Other Levels : Dkkrick (part: 1,2,3,4), Snowtown, Dkcity, Dkcastle, Dkall Dkpark, Dkwsyc, Dkweird and all other dkmaps..... I made the Borg Nukem tc, made some maps for other tc's.... Description : Huge city with: A dukeburger/ a super market/ a laser shooting game/ a huge church/ a hotel/ a gas station/ a undergroung place/ and some more...... Don't bother me to much if you don't like this map because it's my first city map (dkcity and Snowtown are city maps to but they are old, very old!). ====================================================================== Additional Credits To : Ken Silverman, 3D Realms, Wim Cools Special thanks to the beta-testers: Pascal Rouaud (he has no site) Matt Wareham http://www.dukeworld.com/dukeinc/ Maarten Pinxten http://matrix.crosswinds.net/~gamorama/ Wim Cools (site in progress) ======================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : none Single Player : Yes, best part I think DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Yes, go to laser planet....... Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, but I don't know if it's fun! Difficulty Settings : No Plutonium Pak Required : YES New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : No Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Construction Time : 2 months I think Known Bugs/Problems : Uhh........ * Where to get this MAP file * File location : In the zip archive with this file, "tenton.zip" And (I hope) on many Duke site's! ===================================================================== *Important Information* Play the map like this : 1. Don't cheat (ofcourse) 2. Use brightness "1"/ "3" but not higher please 3. Don't press "tab" if you can't find the way in laser planet, because if you press tab it's to easy (I think!). 4. Play the map and send me comments... Installation : Unzip the zip file (most of you use "winzip". Unzip it in your DUKE directory. Go to dos type: station:\duke3d map tenton.map (like c:\duke3d map tenton.map {enter}). ====================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You MAY distribute this MAP (Tenton.map), provided you include this text file (Tenton.txt), with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Thank you......