================================================================ Title : West was won File Name : Westwuz1.map Author : Alan Page Email Address : APage10431@aol.com Description : The aliens got your girl ! Destroy all who gets in your way, through a western-style map. They've imprisoned her, so find the jail and deliver her ! Bring her back at all cost... Additional Credits to : Captain IGLOO, from the Bug Team, for working on this map ( items & monsters ) and making me want to release it. Actually this map was supposed to stay unfinished, because I wasn't planning on finishing it... ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : You bet Dukematch : Sorry no... it could have been set though. Difficulty Settings : Yes - Skills 2 & 3 Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No Demo : No ================================================================ * Construction * Base : From Scratch Build Time : I can't remember... Editor(s) used : build.exe Known Bugs : none ================================================================ * Where to get this MAP file * File location : Bug Team's Dukepage => http://www.multimania.com/duke3d !