YOU NEED ATOMIC VERSIION!!!!!!! ====================================================================== Title : Caves Author : Darren Miller E-mail : Web Page : none. Description : A quick level with cannons and a small boat and castle. For Really quiick dukematch YOU NEED ATOMIC!!!! Kay you can do anything with this map. ANYTHING!! but you have to send a copy of this map (if it is redone by you) to me. send it to Plot : Duke has washed into a cave in between a war. Duke must defeat the other "dukes" to win. Additional Credits to : My Staff. ME Myself and I. ====================================================================== Episode and Level # : Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build. Known Bugs : None, email me with any. * Where to get this MAP file * Kay you downloaded it right?? get it again from there. Oh ya, and if ya didn't notice, YOU NEED ATOMIIC VERSION!! Also distribute thiis map ANYWHERE but this file MUST go with it. ===========================================================================