Date : June 17, 1999 Title : Cottage duke Filename : Author : Brian Kerr Email Address : ( please e-mail me if you wish too ) Misc. Author Info : Description : This map is big with new art and sounds I tried to keep the monsters to a minimum beacuse I want the player to finish the map and not get frustrated. You will still die a few times, or it would be no fun at all. Additional Credits to : 1. Anybody who had anything to do with the makeing of Red Neck Rampage, because I used some tiles from that game. 2. Startreck Next Gen. because I used some sounds from that T.V. show 3. Last but not leased I down loaded some art ans sounds from the verrious news groups and web sites and I can not remember from where so if you reconize any of your stuff e-mail me and I will place an apolge in any news group you wish. and I will modify this text file. * Play Information * Episode and Level # : what ever you want it to be. Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : no Difficulty Settings : no * Construction * Base : From scratch Editor(s) used : build Known Bugs : I don't know of any. * Where to get this MAP file * E mail me.