Duke Map Central usermap pack 3 - June 1999 Disclaimer! Pack author is not the author for the maps, he just collected the maps and created the Pack file. Pack file name : dmc_pak3.zip Pack author name : AirHawke Pack author e-mail : airhawke@swipnet.se Pack author ICQ UIN : 2110553 Pack description : This is the third Usermap pack from DMC. It contain the June 1999 reviewed maps - total 30 maps. Pack release date : 1999-07-02 Maps : 911 - 911.zip Aero pork - aeropork.zip Ballroom - ballroom.zip Factory - bfactory.zip City at night - can.zip Church of Satan - church.zip Cove - cove.zip Dark alley 2 - dalley2.zip Duke's day off - dayoff.zip Downtown - downtown.zip Proxyon military base - dukeprox.zip Hidden temple (part 2) - dw5.zip Front - front.zip Home sweet home - homesh.zip Legends2 - legend2.zip Ancient realms - legends.zip Meridian station - meridian.zip Russian missle base - missbase.zip Mothership - mother.zip Ghetto - movie.zip Ndzoned! - ndzoned.zip Nuke plant - nuke.zip Nuke city - nukecity.zip Orbital 1 - orbital.zip Park - park.zip Police - police.zip Psydead - psydead.zip Slums of L.A - slum.zip Street - street.zip Terra firma - terra.zip Map authors : Michael & Robert Caraballo, Tyler Day, Vedran Jelenic, Olivier Boucher, Maveric, Scott McNutt, Asbestos, PsyCHosE, Arjan van Rossen, Mike Beaulieu, Lado Crnologar, Kirk, Jason Bredhauer, Sven "Viper" Preuá, Wolf, En4cr, Paul Bolduc, Philip, Pipeline, Dukebert, Craig Hubbard, Nik Daum, Alan Bellows, Jaap Menist, John Mooney. Where to download this file : http://www.dukeworld.com/dmc/ This site also feature detailed reviews with information, screenshots of the maps and other DMC packs as well. Please notify me (check my e-mail and ICQ UIN above) for permission before distrubuting this file.