DART PATCH for Shadow Warrior V1.2 or higher. ___________________________________________________ Title : Dart Art patch for shadow warrior Filenames : dart.art darton.bat dartoff.bat Date Finished : 16.11.1997. Author : Andrew Huppatz Art by 3drealms IRC Nick : SnakeEyes Email Address : mrh@tne.net.au HomePage : http://www.tne.net.au/mrh/andrew/ - Homepage http://www.tne.net.au/mrh/andrew/sw/ - TOP TEN SHADOW WARRIOR MAPS Description : Darts art patch for Shadow Warrior replaces the ninja star art with darts . I did not make the art , it was already in shadow warrior all I did was copy onto the ninja start art . 3DRealms made the art ! To play run darton this will back up allready in the directory and put on the dart art . Then just run shadow warrior . Once your done playing with the dart run dartoff . PLAY INFORMATION ________________ Single Player : Yeah Cooperative : Both players need the art WangBang : Both players need the art CONSTRUCTION ____________ Base : Modified from Build Time : About 5 minutes Editor(s) used : Editart Known Bugs : Darts look goofy COPYRIGHT / PERMISSIONS _______________________ I did not make the art , it was already in shadow warrior all i did was copy it onto the ninja start art . 3DRealms made the art ! I am not trying to take the credit for the the art . *** Andrew Huppatz 1997. ***