***************** ** SWCONV v1.0 ** ***************** ---------- CONTENTS ---------- 1) Legal stuff 2) What is SWCONV ? 3) How to use SWCONV ? 4) Limitations ---------------- 1) LEGAL STUFF ---------------- SWCONV is written by Lars Heimann. SWCONV is Freeware, which means: You are free to copy this program, if you are not going to take any profit out of it, and as long, as the archive consists of these THREE files : 1) SWCONV.EXE 2) SWCONV.TXT 3) SWCONV.LST The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. In other words: Use this software at your own risk. Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior are (c) 3D Realms Entertainment. Please e-mail any comments to: larsheimann@bigfoot.com --------------------- 2) WHAT IS SWCONV ? --------------------- SWCONV v1.0 is a Duke Nukem 3D to Shadow Warrior Map Converter. It can be used to make any usermaps, which were build for Duke Nukem 3D (including those for the Atomic Edition), playable in Shadow Warrior. To attain this, the textures of the sectors, walls and sprites of the Duke Map must be replaced with textures from Shadow Warrior. ------------------------ 3) HOW TO USE SWCONV ? ------------------------ SWCONV is controlled via the commandline : Usage: swconv.exe [DukeMap] [SWMap] [Listfile] Example: swconv.exe old.map new.map swconv.lst The parameter [Listfile] is optional. If there is no listfile specified, all textures will be replaced by a default texture. In detail: Sectors -> texture 2740 (brown-white caros) Walls -> texture 2740 (brown-white caros) Sprites -> texture 3202 (fireglobe) This default texture is also used for textures, that are not mentioned in the given listfile. A sample listfile named 'swconv.lst' is included. You may enhance or modify this file. You can find the texture indexes, when working in BUILD or EDITART. ---------------- 4) LIMITATIONS ---------------- Due to the differences in creating effects in Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior, this program just converts the architecture of the map. Weapons, ammo and items and some textures are replaced, too. Things like doors, elevators, explosions or other kinds of effects must be added by yourself after the conversion. Sorry, but it would be real complicated to convert all sector effectors and sector tags used in Duke Nukem 3D to their refering ST1 sprites in Shadow Warrior. If you use the included sample listfile, you will recognize, that many textures of Duke Nukem 3D are replaced with the default texture. If you have got the time and faith, you can write a more complete listfile to get better conversion results. I'm sorry, I haven't got it.