************************************************************************ DMO Title : Shadow Warrior walkthrough demo Filename : SW_LEV01.DMO - SW_LEV22.DMO DMO Version : 1.2 (registered version only!) Game : Shadow Warrior Registered Version Map Level(s) : Level 1 - 22 Skill : Tiny Grasshopper Options : - Multiplayer Mode : - Number of Players : 1 Perspective : Lo Wang :) ************************************************************************ Author : Steffen "Duke Addict" Itterheim Email Address : Compuserve User ID: 110213,1772 Compuserve Alias Name: The_Addict (Nov. 97) Internet: 110213.1772@compuserve.com The_Addict@compuserve.com (Nov. 97) Misc. Author Info : I'm working for Apogee as SysOp in their Compu- serve forum (GO APOGEE) and try to help people with whatever problems they have with Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior and other games I can help with. This is my system's configuration: Pentium 133 (o'clocked to 200) Suntec Midi Tower, 230W NoNoise Gemlite Motherboard, Intel 430HX, 512Kb PB Cache Western Digital Caviar 4300 MB Hard Disk Western Digital Caviar 3100 MB Hard Disk 2x 3,5" Floppy Disk Drives 64 MB EDO Memory Hercules Power Dynamite 2 MB (Tseng ET4000/W32p) Diamond Monster 3D 4MB EDO RAM Soundblaster 16 ASP w/ Waveblaster (General Midi) Hitachi 16max ATAPI CD-ROM Adaptec 2940 SCSI Controller Iomega JAZ Drive SCSI 1GB Teac CDR-50S SCSI CD-Writer 4x write 6x read Generic 28.8Kb Modem Fritz! ISDN Card NE2000 (ISA) compatible network card MS-DOS v6.22, Windows 95a and Windows NT 4 (SP3) triple Boot via NT Bootloader. This means, I cannot upgrade any further without removing an older part from my computer! ************************************************************************ Description : This demo and all the others were made to have a virtual walkthrough through every Shadow Warrior level. Additional Credits to : You guys know who you are and whether you deserve credit or not! I do hope so... :) ************************************************************************ Copyright & Legal Stuff : These files may not be distributed on any media or online service, including the Internet, without prior written permission from the author. ************************************************************************ * Player Information * Lo Wang : Duke Addict - Pentium-200/64megs - Mouse+Keyboard