*********************** **** KaMiKaZe v1.3 **** *********************** ---------- CONTENTS ---------- 1) Legal stuff 2) Features 3) Installation 4) How to use KaMiKaZe 5) Troubleshooting 6) Credits 7) History ---------------- 1) LEGAL STUFF ---------------- KaMiKaZe is written by Lars Heimann and Markus Ansmann. KaMiKaZe is Freeware, which means: You are free to copy this program, if you are not going to take any profit out of it, and as long, as the archive consists of these TWO files : 1) KAMIKAZE.EXE 2) KAMIKAZE.TXT The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. In other words: Use this software at your own risk. Shadow Warrior is (c) 3D Realms Entertainment. Please e-mail any comments to: larsheimann@bigfoot.com ------------- 2) FEATURES ------------- * can be placed in any directory (does not have to be the SW-Directory) * all options are saved in a seperate file (remembers last usermap etc.) * usermaps can be launched from any directory (or directly from a Level-CD) * can show up to 384 usermaps at once in a sorted list * quickly find a Map by pressing its initial letter * choose from a list of all resolutions your video card supports * a variety of options: skill, playername, number of players, socketnumber, multiplayer type, original map warping, usermap selection, toggle monsters, toggle demo, change resolution, edit textmacros, launch external program (e.g.: BUILD) * if external program is BUILD.EXE (that's what I added this for), BUILD is automatically launched with the selected usermap to be edited => therefore you can easily switch between editing and playtesting a map * you can send and receive Maps using IPX without leaving KaMiKaZe * you can enter comments for each usermap (description/rating) => these comments will be stored in KAMIKAZE.DSC in the KaMiKaZe-Dir * can show you maps in a 2D-Preview 640x480 (like in Build) * you will be warned if a map is corrupted or not made for Shadow Warrior to avoid crashes * you can add commandline-parameters to KAMIKAZE.EXE, which are automatically passed to SW.EXE (SW3DFX.EXE) or COMMIT.EXE * can show statistical information about a usermap (weapons,enemies etc.) * you can launch Multiplayer games easily => Network or Modem/Serial * support for the 3Dfx Version of Shadow Warrior (to be activated in the 'Change Resolution' screen) ----------------- 3) INSTALLATION ----------------- Just copy KAMIKAZE.EXE and KAMIKAZE.TXT to any directory on your harddisk. The first time you start KaMiKaZe, you will be prompted for several things. You will have to enter the directory for your usermaps and possibly the SW-Directory, if you haven't put KAMIKAZE.EXE there. KaMiKaZe will create a file called KAMIKAZE.INI, where these directories and many other options will be stored. I made this program as secure as possible, but if you encounter problems starting KaMiKaZe, please delete KAMIKAZE.INI - it will be recreated automatically. ------------------------ 4) HOW TO USE KaMiKaZe ------------------------ KaMiKaZe is controlled completely via the keyboard. You can access the different options in the MainMenu by pressing certain Hotkeys, which are printed in bright red. (I think, it's a lot faster than mouse control). This should not be too difficult. If you need help, when you are in KaMiKaZe, press 'F1'. To launch a game of Shadow Warrior, you can press 'F2'-'F5'. 'F2' will launch a Singleplayer Game. 'F3' will launch a Fake-Multiplayer (or CommBat) Game, where you can explore, how the maps look like in Multiplayer (in many cases there will be additional teleporters and more weapons/ammo/items). Fake-Multiplayer is very good for training purposes. 'F4' will launch a Network Game with up to 8 players. 'F5' will launch a Modem or Serial Game with 2 players. Note on IPX: Sending and receiving Maps in the Usermap-Screen is only possible, if you have an IPX-driver loaded. If you want to send a Map (ALT-S) to any other player, the other computer has to be in Receive-Mode (ALT-R). Maps can not be send to multiple players simultaneously ! If one player is sending, only one other player should be receiving or problems will occur. -------------------- 5) TROUBLESHOOTING -------------------- a) What you never should do : - never modify the KAMIKAZE.INI with a text-editor (this can cause KaMiKaZe to crash) - never change the name of a usermap, started with BUILD from within KaMiKaZe, while editing it (because of internal copy routines) - never copy the file KAMIKAZE.INI from one computer to another, because in most cases the paths are not equal - create a new KAMIKAZE.INI on each computer b) A note on demos : - due to the complexity Shadow Warrior handles demos, in KaMiKaZe demos can only be recorded of original levels. - if you want to record or playback a demo of any usermap, please use the standard commandline-parameters of SW.EXE. - the last demo, you recorded within KaMiKaZe, will be played back automatically, when you launch the game without any original level or usermap specified (both set to 'none') and without having '( ) Record Demo' marked - if this is too complicated for you, just start SW.EXE and the demo will run automatically. - if you delete a demo (*.dmo) manually, you must delete the file DEMOS.RUN as well or you will get an error message ('File ... is not a valid demofile'). - I tested demo recording in Modem games and it was rather poor, the demos looked not like the game action at all. As a consequence, demo recording is disabled in Modem or Serial play. If you want to try, use commandline-parameters. c) A note on modem games: - the basic modem setup must be made with the Shadow Warrior setup program, especially the choice of the modem type (Init and Hangup strings). - if you want to play a modem or serial game, it is very important, that both computers have the same settings for the com port speed (normally 19200) and the usermap. - when you start a modem game, 'Players' (number of players) in the Main Menu will be ignored. Modem or serial games can only be played with 2 persons. - KaMiKaZe reads the Init and Hangup strings for your modem from the SW.CFG and updates COMMIT.DAT, if needed. d) Frequently asked questions : Q: I changed the socket number, but I can't remember the default settings. What can I do ? A: Press 'S' in the Main Menu for socket number input and hit the enter key. This will restore the default socket. Q: How can I remove a comment I have entered for a usermap ? A: Hit insert in the Usermap Screen, while the cursor is on map, as if you would enter a new comment. Then just press enter and the comment will be removed. Alternatively you can modify the file KAMIKAZE.DSC in your Kamikaze-directory with any text-editor. Q: Why doesn't KaMiKaZe warn me, if I try to launch or view a map, which was made for Duke Nukem 3D or Redneck Rampage ? A: The format of Duke or Redneck maps is very similar to that used for Shadow Warrior. And you really can play these maps in Shadow Warrior, assuming you have the right ART files or you would get some nasty hall-of-mirrors effects. Q: I have thousands of usermaps, but KaMiKaZe can't show me all of them at once ! A: KaMiKaZe can show you nearly 400 usermaps at once sorted alphabetically. If that is not enough, you can subdivide them in different subdirectories. Thinking of Duke Nukem 3D, in my opinion there are much less than 400 really good maps out there, so you normally should have no problems. Q: The Main Menu in KaMiKaZe looks strange, something went wrong ! A: Maybe you have a damaged or corrupted KAMIKAZE.INI - just delete it and start KaMiKaZe again, it will be recreated automatically. Q: I wanted to launch a Modem Game, but there are no phone numbers in the list. What can I do ? A: In the Modem/Serial Game Screen press Insert to add a new name and phonenumber to the list. Q: When I try to launch a Multiplayer game, Commit crashes to Dos with an error message ? A: In very rare cases it can happen, that your Commit data file (COMMIT.DAT) gets corrupted (not caused by KaMiKaZe !). If that happens to you, just delete the file COMMIT.DAT in your SW directory and the next time you launch KaMiKaZe or SW Setup, it will be recreated automatically. Q: I build a new map and placed some monsters in it, but when I launch the map through KaMiKaZe, I don't see them. If I launch it normally (SW.EXE), the monsters are there ! A: This is not KaMiKaZe's fault ! If you place monsters in Build, they are assigned to hard skill (Who wants Wang) by default. To see them, when you launch the map through KaMiKaZe, you must set 'Skill' in the Main Menu to 3 (or 4). When you launch the map by starting 'SW.EXE -map ...', the skill level is 'Who wants Wang' by default, too. Note: You normally want to change the monsters to appear in easier skill levels. To attain this, you must point at the sprite in 2D Mode and press F8. From the following menu, choose (1) and change the skill level to your likings. Q: I have tested several resolutions with 3Dfx enabled, but they all look the same ? A: The resolutions you can choose from, have nothing to do with the 3Dfx Version of Shadow Warrior. If you enable 3Dfx support in the 'Change Resolution' menu, the game is launched through 'SW3DFX.EXE' instead of 'SW.EXE' and the resolution defaults to 512x384. You can change this to 640x480 by setting the environment variable 'BUILD_640X480=1'. You have to do this, before you launch KaMiKaZe, normally a batchfile would do the job. ------------ 6) CREDITS ------------ Special thanks to Markus Ansmann for helping me to become a better programmer, especially for the IPX-routines. Thanks for testing this program with me: Jago (Stony) Jens (Iceman) Markus (-=McAnsi=-) Hendryk (Rincewind) Sebastian (Doominator) Kai (Schnorki) ------------ 7) HISTORY ------------ v1.0 -> Initial Release. v1.1 -> * Better handling of demos * Added statistical info for usermaps (ALT-I) * Added Fake-Multiplayer Mode for training (F3) v1.2 -> * Added Modem/Serial Game (F5) * Some minor enhancements v1.3 -> * Added support for 3Dfx Shadow Warrior (press 'U' in the 'Change Resolution' screen)