================================================================ Title : Lo Nukem Filename : Lonukem.zip Author : Ben Smit Email Address : bens@dbn.lia.net Website : ProAsm - http://users.lia.net/util Description : A 4 level addon for Shadow Warrior : This is an experiment I did with converting : Duke Nukem maps with the SwConvert program : from Lars Heimann. : I had to make a resizing program to get the : right heights etc. as Lo Wang is bigger than : Duke Nukem. : It is the 1st four maps of Duke Nukem, : slightly changed and re-arranged. : Anyway If you liked Duke Nukem 3D, I'm sure : this will bring back some memories ;-) : If you find it boring - trash it ;-) : Let me know what you think. : Enjoy. Additional Credits to : Mike Smit - msmit@aberdare.co.za : Jim Robins - jrobins@intcomm.net : Eric Margolis - ericjmz@home.com : Yuichi - ykudo@pp.iij4u.or.jp : Karlheinz Hertel - bubba@baumann-online.net : Lesley Smit - bens@dbn.lia.net : Nim-Nim - nimnim@chicagonet.net ================================================================ Installation ------------ Just unzip the files into your SW directory. LoNukem.bat LoNukem.com LoNukem.grp LoNukem.pxx LoNukem.txt LoNukwin.exe MS-DOS ------ Type LONUKEM and press enter - that's all! Windows 95/98/NT ---------------- Double click on LONUKWIN.EXE and then click on "Desktop Icon" This will install an icon for LoNukem on your desktop. Select your choice of play. Mac Users --------- Sorry not available. ------------------------------------------------------------------- * Play Information * Episode and Level # : 1 Episode - 4 levels Single Player : Yes WangBang Level : Yeah 1-4 Players but not tested Co-op Level : No Difficulty Settings : Yes - 1,2 3 * Construction * Base : Converted Duke3d maps Editor(s) used : Build ;-( Known Bugs : Some minor ones - due to the conversion, : but in most cases not noticable. * Game Information * : LoNukem demonstrates the advancements made : so far in the Total Conversion's Adaption : Program SwGroup, enabling TC's in general. : As you will see some weapons are now more : powerful and can carry more ammo. : Watchout for the chaingun as it : can really "rock & roll" ;-) : Also watch out for those Ninja's with their : Uzi's as they pack a bit more punch and : as for the Rocket shooting Ninja, well you : better not let him get to close ;-) : The Ninja with the Chaingun will rip you : apart in no time, regardless of your health. --------------------------------------------------------------------- * Where to get this TC Addon * ProAsm - (Wang's Health Spa) - http://users.lia.net/util