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AoeBlack.jpg (344 bytes)

Tweak UI for Win 98                           87K

AoeNewsLine.jpg (1114 bytes)

This is a must have for Windows 98 users. It lets you control the little picky things that you otherwise cannot control such as shortcut arrows, etc...


WinAmp v2.10                                  540K

AoeNewsLine.jpg (1114 bytes)

Ever heard of MP3s? Well, if you have, this is the MP3 player for you. It has the lowest CPU usage and doesn't skip a beat.


AoeRTop.jpg (696 bytes)

Main Page



















XiphoidŽ, 1999, All graphics on this page are not to be copied or reproduced in any way without my consent. This site was created with Microsoft's FrontPage 98 and is best viewed with IE4 and high color monitor resolution of 800X600.