VisPatch 1.2 simple: VisPatch file.pak or file.bsp (wildcards ok) -extract that retrieves all data nessisary for vis updates. VisPatch -new: for bsps: makes bakups of the old bsps as file.bak. It will only patch bsp's that it has data for and skips those that it does not. for Paks: Puts all levels into one pak file that is incrementally higher than your last one. "Vispatch" replaces the file. "vispatch -extract" retrives all the vis data from the current file. "vispatch -data some.dat" uses some.dat instead of vispatch.dat. "vispatch -data some.dat -extract" puts data into some.dat instead of vispatch.dat. List of parameters: -extract puts the vis data into a data file. -dir specifies the directory the level files are in. -data specifies the vis data file (no wildcards) -new puts the modifies levels into a new pak file if they were in a pak file. Renames the unmodified bsp files to name.bak and saves it as the original name. Revision history: Version 1.2: Fixed the NT file loop by using the archive attribute. It simply removes the attribute on the files then checks the files for the attribute before processing them. If they have the attribute, then they aren't the originals and we are done with it. Now Dumps you out and cleans up when out of disk space. Version 1.1: Now doesn't put unmodified levels in paks and do anything to unmodified BSP's. Note: I didn't want this released because I had already finished and sent Ken 1.2 when it was released. Ugh. Version 1.0b: Added -dir for Ken's install batch program. Added -data for Ken's install batch program. Version 1.0a: Minor bug fixes.(ie I forgot.) Version 1.0: And there was light (on the other side of the water.) Installation: If you just want to patch your data, just use the batch files Ken made. If you use VisPatch without it, "Vispatch" all by it's lonesome will update all the pak?.pak files in the current directory with the vispatch.dat file in the directory. If you want to make your own patches to use Ken's program use this format: Files: MyPatch.vis Actual data. -data MyPatch.vis MyPatch.dat 4 line description of your patch. Probably a text file saying how to get this program. If you want to merge two data sets, just do "copy /b file1.ext+file2.ext newfile.ext" I chose the file format for that reason. (I was expecting about 20 sources for all ID's levels alone and needed a good way to combine them.) Andy Bay Credits: Ken Alverson - The neat WQBSP he made, and organizing the data collection for this. Alex Moon - Making a BSP2Prt file making the fastest available vis tables. ID - Making such cool games. DeathDealer - Being such a sport about Water Transperency. Razor - The other cool place to get this. All our Data donators. (Ken listed them.)