Entity Notes


This entity has been modified to respect the master setting.  Only players who can trigger the specified master will fade.


The game_text entity can be used to display map information when a player joins a game.  It is a standard entity from HL, but here is my settings.  The "y" specific is set to .1 to force the text above the menus and the MODT text.

"classname" "game_text"
"origin" "0 0 0"
"x" "-1"
"y" ".1"
"color" "255 255 255"
"color2" "240 110 0"
"fadein" "1.5"
"fadeout" "0.5"
"holdtime" "5"
"fxtime" "0.25"
"targetname" "game_playerjoin"
"message" "Her Mercy's State Prison"
"effect" "0"


Automatic tanks, active tanks without controllers, are fully functional in HLJB.   However, they can be a server hog.  Please use them sparingly.


Weapon boxes are now fully functional.

All other entities commonly used by HLJB are the same as they are defined for a standard multiplayer HL game.  To make buttons, or deathmatch spawn points team specific, then set the master specific for the entity to the game_team_master for the team in question.  All maps should have two game_team_master entities defined.  One for team1 and one for team2.