
The trigger_jail entity is used to mark a player as being either in jail or out of jail.

One or more trigger_jail entities with the spawnflags set to 1 are placed inside the jail to mark all players spawning in the jail via the info_player_jail entities as being in jail.  Make sure that a the trigger_jail entities are setup to where a player can not reenter the jail without being marked as in jail.  One or more trigger_jail entities with spawnflags set to 0 should cover all exits to the jail including any escape hole.

To make the creation of jail area easier, trigger_jail triggers are allowed to overlap even if a one trigger is an in jail trigger and one is an out of jail trigger.  If a player is touching both types of triggers, then the player will be considered to be in jail.

While a player is in jail, he will be highlighted in gray in the scoreboard.


Name Description



Value Description


Marks the player as being in jail