Title                   : HELLRUN
 Files in hellrun.zip    : hellrun.wad hellrun.txt night.wad play.bat
 Author                  : Adrian Smart.
 URL                     : http://www.vr21.com/doom_wall/
 Email                   : adrian@vr21.com

                             * Description *
  A thinking persons blastfest, epic and multi-faceted. Get ready for a wad
that will really test how good you are. My best time to date on "I`m to
young to die" is 48:45. Good Luck!
                           * Play Information *

Episode and Level #     : E1M1
Single Player           : Yes
Co-operative 2-4 Player : Yes
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Yes
Difficulty Settings     : Yes
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes with NIGHT.WAD
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None
                              * Construction *
Base                    : E1M1 Many  many  moons ago !
Editor(s) used          : DCK 3.0 ( http://www.islandnet.com/~bmorris/ )  
                          WinTex 4.3(montanuy@inf.enst.fr)   
Known Bugs              : SAVE GAME BUFFER OVERRUN "I guess the wads too big?"
 This means you gota play it for "real" no saving before the tricky bits!
 Only tested on version 1.9 Doom2. Not checked out for network play.

                             * Installation *
  HELLRUN.WAD works with the DOOM2 -file xyz.wad routine, but please find
that I have included NIGHT.WAD which contains the modified graphics to
compliment it,so for ease of use I have included PLAY.BAT. Unzip everything 
into Doom2 and just type PLAY or DOOM2 -FILE NIGHT.WAD HELLRUN.WAD  [enter]
when you are in your DOOM2 directory. Another option is to merge these wads
with the main wad using Wintex apparently this improves reliability during
network games.
                             * Permissions *
  Authors may NOT use HELLRUN.WAD as a base to build additional levels.You 
MAY distribute HELLRUN.ZIP in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc)
provided you include this file, intact, with no modifications. Please feel
free to use any of the graphics in NIGHT.WAD with your own wads but don`t 
forget to give me a mention in the credits if you do! If you want to use ANY
of my work commercially please contact me first.
                        * Where to get this WAD *
                            *  Legal Jargon *

                  DOOM2 is a trademark of ID software.

 This WAD is distributed with authorisation from :- 
                                Adrian Smart

                                VR21.COM TM

 Please give me credit for this wad, it was a considerable amount of work.
                     !!!!!!!!!!! Nice One !!!!!!!!!! 
                             * Disclaimer *
   Use these files at your own risk. I assume no responsibility for any
 damage, corrupting, or hair tearing caused by these files. I assume no 
 responsibility in the case of any legal action.     
*****************************   CREDITS  ***********************************
* Id (idsoftware.com)            Doom2.                 OH YES!            *
*                                                                          *
* Ben Morris     DCK 3.0         ( http://www.islandnet.com/~bmorris/ )    *
*                                                                          * 
* Olivier Montanuy             WinTex 4.3        (montanuy@inf.enst.fr)    *
*                                                                          *
* Jan and the kids for putting up with me for weeks and weeks!             *
  If you have any constructive ideas or comments about my work please feel 
free to e-mail at the above address. 

                                Have fun,