=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Limit-Removing Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== Title : Quoth the Raven Filename : PUSS28_QTR Release date : 11/11/2023 Author : Various, Led by Death Bear and Egregor Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : See Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping Series Misc. Author Info : Pineapple Under the Sea Studios was created in 2020 to share the joy of speedmapping. Run by creator BluePineapple72, and prolific contributor Death Bear, the PUSS series invites creators to participate in regular events to learn, sharpen their mapping skills, and create awesome stuff in a short amount of time. Description : Quoth the Raven is the 28th installment of the Pineapple Under the Sea Speedmapping series, created by BluePineapple72. The event ran during June of 2023, in which maps were created in a time limit of 8 hours or less. Episode 3 was created in July. Mappers were to create Heretic maps using a custom texture pack and calling back to several of the design tropes from the original Heretic. It contains 3 episodes, with forced secret exits, for a total of 27 maps. This contains four files: a full version that can be played in most Heretic-supported limit removing ports, and three split episodes that allow a bypass to Heretic-hardcoded midi repeats in ports that don't support mapinfo. =========================================================================== ** Credits ** ===Levels=== E1M1: "Wondering, Fearing, Doubting, Dreaming" by Death Bear E1M2: "Magic if You Please" by BluePineapple72 E1M3: "The Scorching Citadel" by United VirusX E1M4: "Hunt of the Chickenmancer" by Unicorn Skull and Death Bear E1M5: "The Shimmering Falls" by Snowy44 E1M6: "Upon First Gleaning the Warrent of Dawn" by Peccatum Mihzamiz E1M9: "No Rays from the holy Heaven come down" by Egregor E1M7: "The Deep Woods of the Hopeless Morrow" by Egregor, LGmaire, and Death Bear E1M8: "In the Hall of the Mad Bull King" by Hambourgeois E2M1: "The Ravenking's Rusty Keep" by Death Bear E2M2: "Grease" by Walter Confetti E2M3: "Disciple Square" by notTyrone E2M4: "Clue" by Peccatum Mihazmiz E2M9: "Water Weird" by Hambourgeois E2M5: "Round the River Bend" by Egregor E2M6: "Crystal Caverns" by Heich E2M7: "Un Hospedaje Para Los Condenados" by Cacodemon187 E2M8: "Cavern of Peering Sunlight" by Doomcat and Death Bear E3M1: "Serpent's Maw Keep" by Shadow Sparkle and Death Bear E3M2: "Smol Dewngeohn" by Walter Confetti E3M3: "The First Town" by Zari E3M4: "Quaff the Raven" by Peccatum Mihzamiz E3M9: "El Torturador" by LGmaire E3M5: "Sinodo de Brujos" by Cacodemon187 E3M6: "Upon Grim Wings of Sorrow" by Egregor and Death Bear E3M7: "Crystal Lake Compound" by DukeOfDoom E3M8: "Nevermore" by Death Bear and Egregor ===Music=== E1M1: "Encrypted" by James Paddock E1M2: "Breathe my Child" by Immorpher E1M3: "Norfair Ancient Ruins Area" from Super Metroid E1M4: "Death Clause" by mrgrimsdale and James Paddock E1M5: "Bloody River & Seal" from Sorcerian E1M6: "Convergent Kingdoms" by AD_79 E1M9: "Woeful Spectres" by Egregor E1M7: "The Ophidians" by Tristan Clark E1M8: "Die for Parthoris" by Dragonfly and James Paddock E2M1: "Sage Fields" by Dial Up For Murder E2M2: "Docked In" by Viscra Maelstrom E2M3: "Serpentine Pillars" by Mikolah E2M4: Main Theme from "Clue" E2M9: "The Deep Ones" by Hambourgeois E2M5: "Avenger's Spirit" by Viscra Maelstrom E2M6: "Castle" from Jazz Jackrabbit 2 E2M7: "After the Storm" by Stuart Rynn E2M8: "Dragged from the Pit" by mrgrimsdale and James Paddock E3M1: "Ravine" by James Paddock E3M2: "Cryptic Dancer" by Maxime Trodeau E3M3: "Legions" by James Paddock E3M4: "Talons" by mrgrimsdale and James Paddock E3M9: "The Raven's Nest" by James Paddock E3M5: "Guess We Are Fighting Cyberdemons" by MegaSphere E3M6: "Deathwind" by James Paddock E3M7: "Die for Parthoris" by Dragonfly and James Paddock E3M8: "Blood of the Unworthy" by Tristan Clark Title screen: "Quoth the Raven - Title" by Egregor Intermission screen: "Quoth the Raven - Intermission" by Egregor Text screen: "Quoth the Raven - Victory" by Egregor Additional Credits to : Texture and Sprite Credits: Heretic, Hexen, Blood, Doom Hambourgeois, Jaeden, ETTiNGRiNDER, Medeival, Baker's Legacy, Hymn, Heretic Treasure Chest, KWC, Walter Confetti, TravyB, Gardevoir, Joy of Mapping, Not Jabba, Pistachio at Open Games Art, Egregor, ED3, SEREZHA, ETC, Peccatum Mihzamiz, Amber Graham for Frog Texture, Eevee Doom Text Generator LOGO, M_HTIC, TITLESCREEN, CREDIT, FINAL1 EDIT, FINAL2 EDIT: Death Bear HELP1, HELP2, ADVISORY, LOADING, and ENDTEXT: Peccatum Mihzamiz Additional Special Thanks: to all our event staff, playtesters, collaborators, and mappers! Beta Testers: Death Bear, Egregor, Peccatum Mihzamiz, and LGmaire RC1 Testers: eharper256, demogorgonzola, theShep, LadyMistDragon, nitronumber9, phoenyxwinter, profbloom, catoptromancy, notjabba, zeroandneko =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 27 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : Yes Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : Heretic Map # : E1M1 - E3M8 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts only, assorted considerations Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Maps made in 8 hours in June and July of 2023. Editor(s) used : UDB, Slade, Gimp, Clip Studio Paint Known Bugs : Full Version: Certain midis repeat based on Heretic hardcoding in Crispy Heretic and DSDA-Doom (Split episodes bypasses this), Some features are NOT fully supported in DSDA-DOOM (0.27), Switches and Animated textures not fully supported in older versions of Crispy Heretic May Not Run With : Unknown Tested With : Crispy Heretic 6.0, DSDA 0.26 & 0.27, GZDOOM 4.10+ * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors