=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Designed specifically for HERETIC.EXE Primary purpose : Single/Cooperative/Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : BuzzSaw: The Refusal Pt.II Filename : BuzzHtc2.wad Release date : 11/03/2022 Author : Luis M. Arevalo Email Address : misanthroat@aol.com Other Files By Author : BuzzSaw: City Under Siege (for DOOM II) www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/a-c/buzzsaw1 BuzzSaw: The Refusal Pt.I (for Heretic) www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/heretic/a-c/buzzhtc1 Steam Workshop (C&C: Red Alert maps) https://steamcommunity.com/id/circumsodomy/myworkshopfiles Misc. Author Info : Got more wads coming soon (buzzsaw2.wad & buzzhtc3.wad). Description : 3 all new maps specifically designed for DOS Heretic. Compatible with most source ports and should play well with weapon/monster mods designed for vanilla maps. 2nd chapter in the third story of the BuzzSaw Saga. *Story* Again, you received the vision. A vision of the lone figure, battling against an entity of pure evil. The frequency of the dreams have been increasing... increasing along with the populace's decline of need for answer or even reason. After obediently lining up for the mandated blessing, the power of control took those that willingly gave themselves and destroyed their body or mind... their life or their sanity. Those that outright refused or even questioned the blessing were treated as pariahs or heretics. Then came the day to cleanse the "unclean". *Pt. 2 E1M4-E1M6* After gaining knowledge of the the location of the "Old Gate" and defeating it's Guardians, you proceed to the stronghold that contains the portal to the "Grand Wall". Make your way past the wall, to gateway on the hill that holds the inevitable confrontation with the "Lava Lords of Decree". Additional Credits to : My family and friends for everything in life. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 3 New Levels Sounds : No Music : No Graphics : New Textures from existing patches. Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : No Other : No Other files required : *Optional* Launch with BuzzHtc1.wad to play with maps E1M1-E1M3. (place BuzzHtc2.wad's priority over BuzzHtc1.wad's to use the most up-to-date texture lump, to avoid texture issues) * Play Information * Game : Heretic Map # : E1M4 - E1M6 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Designed for Other game styles : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (see *Notes* below) * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : On and off for over 2 decades... (see *Notes* below) Editor(s) used : DCK & DOOM Builder 2 [Map creation] ZokumBSP [Nodes, Reject & Blockmap] DeePsea [Savegame Buffer Check] Visplane Explorer for DOOM Builder 2 [Visplane check] SLADE [Graphics Editing/Import] Known Bugs : Some custom texture issues using blasphem.wad as WALL63 uses a 64x128 patch instead of a 16x32 patch like in heretic.wad. Maps optimized to adhere within vanilla limitations. Any present issues may be result of engine limitations. Please contact if any glaring mapping errors present. May Not Run With : No issues found so far... Tested With : Optimized for HERETIC.EXE 1.3 [tested with GOG release]. Also verified with latest GZDOOM & Crispy Heretic. *Notes* Difficulty Settings : Maps were designed for sequential order, especially on higher skills. Skill 3 recommended if playing maps starts with wand only. Knowledge of secret areas may be required on higher difficulties. Build Time : Like BuzzSaw1.wad & BuzzHtc1, some of the maps were designs I had already completed for an originally planned 32 level DOOM II Megawad back in the late 1990's that used DOOM I and Heretic textures & sprites. At the rate I was working on levels at the time (and that the maps used registered resources), I would have never completed it for release. I split the project into an 11-level DOOM II wad (using Plutonia.wad for textures) and a 9-level Heretic wad so that I could at least release what I had from the original 32 level idea. The levels built for the Megawad were updated to match the re-made level flow and design after the split. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.gamers.org/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://www.mediafire.com/misanthroat/