This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... F1M3-515.TXT F1M3-515.ZIP F1M3-515.LMP - Ultra Violence - FAST Recorded using "The Ultimate DooM" DooM -PlayDemo with Ultimate DooM OR DooM -PlayDemo with DooM Ver. 1.9 DooM - Ep.1 Mi.3 - Toxin Refinary With "-Skill 4 (and) -FAST" Kills 100% (Items 61) Secret 100% and Time 05:15 ----- Description :-) Tough first two minutes. Off course it can be beaten, but only by the "German speaking players" ;-) For the judge ! "This .LMP is tested on two different computers !" Peo Sjoblom [ Admin. Note ;-) But it only has to work on ONE... MINE ;-) Seriously: If a .LMP works OK on one PC it WILL work on ANY other PC... assuming the DooM .EXE and .WAD's are the same. Also - Many Congrats on being the first of the four(!) Last DooM II Grand Masters with D2GM-PS2 and ThanX for the offer of a beer or six (next time I'm in Sweden) for uploading it BEFORE the other "pretenders" "sneeked in" before that nice Mr. Lmps chap passed it ! ;-) [ See F23-2248.TXT ] S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]