This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/f-doom/" Entry - Please forward it... EV01-104.TXT EV01-104.ZIP EV01-104.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Final Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with (only) Final DooM Final DooM - TNT Evilution - Level 01 - System Control Kills 100% (Items 16) Secrets 100% and Time 01:04 ----- Description: Yonatan's original 1:08 was hard to beat. Something for the /miscs: An I-am-the-greatest-berserker (Demonlord excluded; berserk a Cyberdemon, what a silly decision :), where all these monsters (except for the pig) splash (I like that TSSLOP sound), with or without other weapons, only your final hit must be a berserk, that's clear. Perhaps without the chaingunners too, to make it easier. Only an initial entry, hope there will be improvements. But this time it isn't as easy as all the other initial ones :) Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: WWW: (~gazelle/doom.html)