This is a Doom "Competition" entry. Please forward it... U4M1-036.TXT U4M1-036.ZIP U4M1-036.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using DooM Version 1.9 (Ultimate Doom) DooM -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 DooM - Ep.4 Mi.1 - Hell Beneath Kills 34% (Items 33%) Secrets 0% and Time 0:36 ---- Description: hmmmmm.....After all these D2Speed lmps, I wanted to do something new....I watched D2NM and 100/100 recordings, but I don't like these categories (especially 100/100 is really boring) Well..the only thing I really like is speedrunning...So why not record some D1 .lmps. This one was very easy...took me about 20 mins. 03.02.98 17:17 pm CET Author: Thomas "Panter" Pilger E-mail: Hompeage: Http:// R. Page: Http://