This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Mike Toliver hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Master. Exam file name : D1M-MET.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 1 Master Author : Mike Toliver Completion date : 1996 04 23 Game and version used : Doom v. 1.9 Log entry : CHAL: D1M MET Mike Toliver 31 35 38 RFL-RLL-FRF : Mike Toliver Substitutions? : N/A System used : 486 DX 66, 8 megs ram, Pentium 75 with 8 megs RAM for the FREE.lmp (with no sound card) Video Cirrus VGA, 1 meg video RAM, Sound 144AM (no sound card for FREE.LMP) Controls used : Keyboard Free interpretation : E2M2 Tyson-style, E2M3; only 1 pistol shot used in E2M2 to wake up a Demon - the rest is fist and chain-saw until E2M3 when I used heavier stuff to get at monsters behind bars - then I die trying to chain-saw a Baron. I get off to a bad start, and at several points my health goes below 20%, but I always manage to come back. Comments : Main excitement is in E3M5, where I do in a Baron with a pistol and take on the three Cacodemons in the center courtyard with the same weapon. Some nice chain-saw work on Imps, too. It's OK stuff for a keyboard-only man. Author info : I'm a biology professor with an obsession for DooM - too many late nights playing DooM while the rest of the family sleeps and I should be working on a lecture or sleeping! I'm also a marine combat vet of Vietnam. One of my DooMed friends thinks this game is like the real thing - it's not. It is a hell of a fun game.