This is a DHT exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Norbert "Nomad" Bognar hereby conquers the title of Doom ][ Master. Exam file name : D2M-NMD.ZIP Title conquered : DOOM 2 Master Author : Norbert "Nomad" Bognar / Completion date : 1995 06 25 Game and version used : DOOM II v. 1.9 Log entry : CHAL: D2M NMD Nomad von Fblodilovich 21 30 23 : RLF-LFF-FFR (Norbert Bognar) Substitutions? : Nope System used : A486/66 W32P 8M GUSMAX Controls used : Keyboard only (& check out free interpretation! :) W = Strafe Left, E = Strafe Right, Alt = Use Shift = Run, Space = Fire, & Keypad Arrows Free interpretation : Map 01 - UV, with chainsaw only and not using turn right at all (only for the dance). Not a big thing technically, but I think the idea is weird enough for a free interpretation. For me it was... :] Comments : Map 21: First I was a bit surprised this was labelled as easy, but after a few attempts, and figuring out the howtos, it was no problem at all. The end could be better, but i thought the beginning with the revenants was cool enough, so this one made it to the final version. : Map 23: Now that was a bitch... I've tried a dozen of different aprroaches, then checked out what the others did. :] And shit, i was not surprised others doing substitutions for this level. Then i saw what Paradox did. :] Just killing everything in sight with extreme prejudice... I just mention this because he uses the mouse so fucking good, i've always considered the mice lame, but lacking those sharp turns, from now on i accept it being the superior. I bow before the Master's presence. :] Anyway, I'm happy i'm through with it, and there's no way wil I try to do a better LMP. (I do the dance the third times i'm in the chaingunners's room, and do it again later on one more time just to be sure). : Map 30: That's the first time i've completed this level, so it took a bit to learn the timing, but finally 5 rocket shot was enough. Author info : Played Doom2 through once, and never played levels after the Downtown more than three or four times. As you can see... :] I'm aged 23, and currently possessed with the Great CherryCore- GodQuenn, & already talked to much, so that's all, and of cuz... I like to Doom it, Doom it!