This is a DHT5 exam file. Its place is in the dht-exams directory. The DOOM Honorific Titles Created by Frank Stajano on 1994 05 01 Mike Hoge hereby conquers the title of Doom 1 Master. Exam file name : (Last time I had to upload I really hope I wasn't crapped..) Title conquered : Doom 1 Master Author : Mike E Hoge ( Completion date : 1998 09 05 Game and version used : Ultimate Doom v. 1.9 Log entry : 19980815 2215 CHAL: D1M6 MEH 18 26 34 (00) Substitutions? : No Free interpretation : E1M2 Nightmare, 100% everything System used : Pentium 75, PC speaker (ack) Controls used : Mouse+Keyboard, everything redefined: Mouse: left/middle/right = fire/strafe/forward Keyboard: a/d = strafe left/right e/s = forward/backward w/r = left/right shift = speed ctrl = fire alt = strafe I'm assuming if you're looking at these lmps and not at Steffen's Schwarzenegger lmp, you're a master wannabe who was assigned one of the same levels as I was. So I'll be nice and give you some tips on each one. E1M8: dance at the beginning. Don't worry about killing all the demons at the beginning; just run through the doors. Turn and get the chaingun and kill all the demons. Then get the supercharge (I forgot the damn thing!!!) and the shotgun (almost forgot it). Then run through the middle of the two pillars and behind the barrels. Wait for all the spectres to come up to the barrels, and fire. Kill all spectres that remain. After this, kill the barons using whatever weapon you want. Then exit. E2M6: dance outside near the berzerk pack. Run into the first room and kill the seargent, quickly taking his shotgun. Then circle the imps while firing until they die. Get the rocket launcher and open the door to the demon and cacodemon. If possible, have the cacodemon kill the demon and use two rockets to kill the caco. It doesn't matter how much health you lose; there is a berzerk pack outside. ;) Get the box of shotgun shells and, if you really want to be conservative, ignore the medikits and go with the berzerk pack to refill your health. Run through the slime corridor and flip the switch. Get the medikit to refill your health to 100% again. (You DID leave it there, didn't you?) Open the door to the left and shoot all the humans. Trip the wire at the blue key and run back out. Use your (enhanced) fists on the demons and your shotgun on the imps. Then get the items. Pass the dark room for a second and go into the next room with the cacodemon. Shoot the lost souls with the shotgun and saw the cacodemon. Take the light goggles and go into the dark room. Go around there, sawing up all the demons including the cacodemon. Arrive at the door - don't go in it yet. Run back out and let more demons - and a baron of hell - follow you into the light. Saw the demons and waste the baron using rockets. Then go back to the door in the dark room. Open it, shoot the two former humans, and saw the spectres. Go up and shoot imps with the shotgun, and continue to get the plasma rifle. Come out with the plasma gun, shoot any non-lost soul enemies first, and then spray the lost souls with plasma. Take any cell charges there, avoid the baron shots coming from the door (if any), and continue into the next section (right side). Get out your shotgun and snipe all the imps, as well as the demons and lost souls. Use the plasma gun if necessary. Get the red key and the items in the back. Make sure you've killed everything in that room and the dark room, and exit back into the lighted area. Go to the end of the corridor and open the door on the left, shooting all the enemies. Don't go in - open the right door and shoot the enemies; beware the two demons in the sides of the corridor, and saw them as well. Press the button at the end, turn around quickly, and shoot the imp. Run through the corridor, turn, and shoot the cacodemon using the shotgun. Open that door, use the chainsaw to get the lost souls' attention, and saw them up as well as the demon. Run and get the chaingun, and shoot the imps released. Run out and enter the room with the lost souls and cacodemon. Again, saw the lost souls. Run onto the platform and out of the room so you don't get hurt by the lost souls and cacodemon released. Use the chainsaw on everything. Collect the items and exit. Finally, go into the yellow key room and get the yellow key, shooting the demons, imps, and cacodemon. Go into the final room and shoot all the seargents, get the supercharge and kill the cacodemons. Return to the middle room and go back to the lighted room at the beginning. Use the chainsaw on any demons that are there, and use rockets and plasma against the barons. Go to the beginning, open the three doors, and exit. E3M4: dance after demon and humans are killed. I'm not going to be as detailed with this as I was with E2M6 - that is a long, hard level where many mistakes are commonly made. Get the rocket launcher and kill the demons in the right room. Get the shotgun and go to the left section, killing everything. Make sure to get the berzerk pack. Go up the stairs and shoot everything at the top. Get the chaingun, the invulnerability sphere, and race through to kill the sergeants before you're vulnerable. Kill the rest of the enemies. Kill the cacodemon in the back room and get the items in the other back room. Kill the lost souls with the chaingun and kill the baron with the shotgun. Kill the demons and cacodemons in the middle room, get the BFG, and kill the baron with rockets. Go back and shoot all the demons with rockets. Kill all the imps, seargents, and others with the shotgun as you run into the room with the two pillars. In this everything. Then go and kill the imp, lost soul, and the human, get the radiation suit and kill the cacodemon. Kill the baron of hell with the BFG, the others are easy to kill with a pistol. (Really, use a shotgun.) Use the BFG to kill the rest of the enemies. Exit. Make sure you clean out the level thoroughly; this one is hard to get kills = 100% because there are so many enemies. (Just look at how many times the word 'kill' is used in this description!) Free interpretation: E1M2 Nightmare. Anybody can do E1M2 Nightmare. This one, however, ends in 100% everything: 100% health, 100% secrets, 100% items, and 100+% kills. It's also, to some extent, fun to see all those damn humans get shot with the perpetually firing chaingun. It may sound easy, but it takes a lot of thorough cleaning and checking previous roots (and thus shooting more enemies). Author Info: 15 yr. old high school student and mathematician. I became very interested in DOOM when my wad editor finally worked; became obsessed with it when I heard of the DHT. This is my first title. hope Doom 1 Yagyu is available soon - I'm probably worthy of grandmaster more than anything. Next title: Doom 1 Incubus (or Doom 2 Grand master (okay, Yagyu).