=========================================================================== Update to : atone.zip Primary purpose : Single+Coop play =========================================================================== Title : Atonement Filename : atone.wad Release date : 11/26/2022 Author : Moustachio Email Address : [redacted] Other Files By Author : herschel.wad crud.wad paingunr.wad Misc. Author Info : I was the project leader of Interception and co-leader of Interception II. One other release of mine -- which was never completed -- was Moon Escape!: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/63199/ Description : A collection of 33 new levels for Doom II, ranging from sprawling shootouts to claustrophobic challenge maps. Works in any Doom engine. You can even run it on DOS! Some of the maps get pretty slow on a real DOS machine though... Designed for both single player and cooperative modes. There's one brand new enemy, and a new final boss, but otherwise the gameplay is just like Classic Doom. I created all of the maps, and all of the music tracks were written by Dial-up for Murder -- with a few exceptions noted below. I've spent about 5 years making this wad, working on and off to finish it. I've even released a few wads between E1/E2 and E5/E6. Here's a rough timeline of each episode's release: - E1 & E2 - 2017 - E3 - 2018 - E4 - 2021 - E5 & E6 - 2022 Map List : EPISODE I: MARS -MAP01: Level name : Teleporter Accident Music Track : "Give Me Back My Future" -MAP02: Level name : UAC Machine Labs Music Track : "Mars Monolith" -MAP03: Level name : Cross Canyon Chaos Music Track : "Deimos Monolith" -MAP04: Level name : H2O Extraction Zone Music Track : "Asteroid" -MAP05: Level name : Big Ol' Crater Music Track : "Rivers" -MAP06: Level name : Mars Escape! Music Track : "Phobos Monolith" EPISODE II: EARTH -MAP07: Level name : This Earth Unknown Music Track : "T'Pol Or Not T'Pol" -MAP08: Level name : Seismic Research Music Track : "Panic! At The Drive-Thru" -MAP09: Level name : Mining Ops Music Track : "Come On In" -MAP10: Level name : Filtration Station Music Track : "I've Only Got One Emotion" -MAP11: Level name : Sewage Plant Music Track : "Dave" (written by Marissa Holder & Dial-up for Murder) EPISODE III: METROPOLIS -MAP12: Level name : Dusty 'Burbs Music Track : "Saturn" -MAP13: Level name : Mall Center Music Track : "Up To My Neck" -MAP14: Level name : Burning Boulevard Music Track : "City of Prisms" -MAP15: Level name : Metropolitan Brawl Music Track : "Ice" EPISODE IV: WAR -MAP16: Level name : Re-deployment Music Track : "Neon Glitter" -MAP17: Level name : Rocket Rampage Music Track : "Deathtapes" -MAP18: Level name : Strike on Hectic Castle Music Track : "Brad News" -MAP19: Level name : The Island Fortress Music Track : "Barren Come Home" (written by Liam Douglas) -MAP20: Level name : At the Threshold Music Track : "That Dying Sensation" EPISODE V: HELL -MAP21: Level name : Distant Shores Music Track : "Desert Lake Ceremony" -MAP22: Level name : The Meat Grinder Music Track : "Subtle Fury" -MAP23: Level name : Cast Iron Music Track : "Astral Grave" -MAP24: Level name : Occult Music Track : "2 Stars" -MAP25: Level name : Moonshine Music Track : "Moonshine" EPISODE VI: TARTARUS -MAP26: Level name : Son of the Crusher Music Track : "Son of the Crusher" -MAP27: Level name : Chamber of Reflection Music Track : "Chamber of Reflection" -MAP28: Level name : Entropy Pool Music Track : "Entropy Pool" -MAP29: Level name : The Devil's Machine Music Track : "The Devil's Machine" -MAP30: Level name : Atonement (a.k.a. The Arbiter) Music Track : "Atonement (The Arbiter)" SECRET LEVELS -MAP31: Level name : The Demon War Machine Music Track : "Apollo 666" -MAP32: Level name : Doom Inc. Music Track : "Soap Cult" BONUS LEVEL -MAP33: Level name : The Ancient Shores Music Track : "_ ______ _ ___ _____ ___" MISCELLANEOUS Title Screen Music Track : "Rivers (Ambient Mix)" Intermission Screen Music Track : "I'm Glad I'm Dead" Text Screen Music Track : "_ ______ _ ___ _____ ___" (written by Liam Douglas) All midi files included were sequenced by Dial-up for Murder. THE STORY SO FAR... You are the premier marine scientist working on the UAC's baddest tech yet: inter-planetary transport. You're up on Mars, making sure the new machines don't turn people into giblets. A few lost volunteers later and you've finally perfected your invention. On the way to power on the machine you start to feel an uneasy presence nearby... TOOLS USED cc4-tex.wad was used as a resource pack. I used Ultimate Doom Builder, GZDoom Builder, Doom Builder 2, to create all of the maps, SLADE 3.2.0 to compile the wad, and paint.net to create a large portion of the graphics. The status bar was created by galileo31dos01 using SlumpED v0.7 (for testing), Paint, Paint.net v4.0.21. Additional Credits to : For Playtesting: bzzrak, Nine Inch Heels, bioshockfan90, The ZDaemon Community, rdwpa, paymentplan, NoisyVelvet, valkiriforce, Doomkid, xvertigox, HexaDoken, StevenC21, dobu gabu maru, waverider, TheCyberDruid EffinghamHuffnagel, francist218, Degree23, Caleb13, Salt-Man Z, Vile, Captain Keen, galileo31dos01, & Firedust. For Visual Artistry: galileo31dos01 (status bar), valkiriforce (city foreground of SKY2), Nick Baker (base of NFTMRS1). cc4-tex.wad compiled by Sarah "esselfortium" Mancuso. cc4-tex.wad includes textures by: NiGHTMARE Espi Eriance Fredrik Johansson Janitor DaGGeR Ola Bjorling Vader XDelusion esselfortium RottKing Nuxius Afterglow AgentSpork RottKing Enjay Huy Pham SargeBaldy Tormentor667 The GothicDM Team The Requiem Team The Eternal Doom Team id Software Raven Software Rogue Entertainment All music written & performed by Dial-Up for Murder (except where noted above). idsky.booru.org for compiling a multitude of DOOM sky textures. I have so far been unable to verify the artists behind the three SKY textures. Status Bar elements from: Valiant (template for Marine portrait panel), Resurgence (template for ammo icons), and Freedoom (small ammo number font). Hell Paladin sprites by: Id Software, Raven Software, Wolfendoom, Amuscaria, Vader, HorrorMovieGuy, and Finalizer. Hell Paladin sounds by: Id Software and Raven Software. Hell Paladin behavior by Moustachio. Arbiter sprites by: Raven Software, Captain Toenail, and Moustachio. Arbiter behavior by Moustachio. Scientist sprites by: Id Software, Xim, JoeyTD, The Skulltag Team, and scalliano. DeHackEd patch by Moustachio. Palette edit by Moustachio. ENDOOM by Moustachio. Doomkid for silent death exit reference. Story by Moustachio. id Software for DOOM II: Hell on Earth. =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 33 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : Yes Other : UMAPINFO, etc. * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : MAP01-33 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Designed for Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts only Other game styles : Weapon Mods Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : 5 years, give or take Editor(s) used : Ultimate Doom Builder R4015, SLADE v3.2.1, WhackEd4, paint.net, Adobe Photoshop CC Known Bugs : None that I know of at the time of release May Not Run With : Some sector trickery may cause incompatibilities with GZDoom's software poly renderer Tested With : Chocolate Doom 3.0.1, Crispy Doom 5.11.1, DSDA-Doom 0.24.3, GZDoom 4.8.2, AutoDoom r5712 * Changelog * (Version 1.1) - MAP02: Four teleporters (lines 1104-1107) were missing their tags. Fixed. - MAP03: One deathmatch start (thing 232) was inside of a barrel. Moved it out. - MAP04: Fixed a bug where you could get stuck between some rocks in the courtyard where the red key is. - MAP18: Reworked the ending area to avoid a visplane overflow crash. Made some tiny edits to the start of the map, and added a bit of tucked away ammo and health near the end. - MAP23: Arch-Viles can boost you out of some of the windows leading to a soft-lock. I added teleporter pads outside of the windows in case a player falls out. - MAP24: The ending linedef can get skipped, causing an unlucky player to fall out into the ocean. Soft-locked. I added an impassable line behind the ending structure to catch the player. - MAP27: The BFG secret spawned the player partially in a sector that was shorter than player height. Different ports had different responses to this: Vanilla doom lets you walk out like nothing happened. GZDoom crouches the player so that they can leave. In ZDaemon, players got stuck, leading to a soft-lock. I moved the teleporter target out of the wall. - MAP28: Restructured the target pad to remove a soft-lock. Added extra sound blocking linedefs before the big drop into the spiderdemon arena. - MAP29: Added extra decorations and teleporter pads to fix soft-locks. Made a key passage open when you enter the yellow key room via the castle. Made the rest of the underground area open when entering it from the blue key room. - Added COMPLVL lump for modern ports. - Minor edit to the MAP30 end text. - Fixed bad midi loops for MAP: 01, 24, 28, 29, 32 - Fixed UMAPINFO map labels. (Version 1.0) - Initial release. * Copyright / Permissions * This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; and remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. If you do so, you must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original. * Soundtrack Permissions * You are welcome to use these tracks in your non-commercial project, just give me a credit wherever you can. Feel free to let me know if you use these tracks, I’d love to try out your project. You can also download somewhat remastered .mp3 or .wav versions of these tracks from https://dialupformurder.bandcamp.com/album/midi-dreams https://dialupformurder.bandcamp.com/album/midi-nightmares https://dialupformurder.bandcamp.com/album/atonement Cheers, Dial-up for Murder dialupformurder@gmail.com This music is licensed under Creative Commons – Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/95318/