=========================================================================== Title : Marine Skin Pack for Legacy newmarin.wad Date Finished : May 20, 2000. Actually this is still a work in progress. *updated* July 23, 2000. Pistol marine added *Updated* March 10, 2001. Two new marine skins added (chainsaw mairine and fists marine). *Updated* March 8, 2002. Chaingun marine by Anthony added to the pack. Author : Boingo the Clown (a.k.a. Mark Quinn) Chaingun marine skin by Anthony Cole. Email Address : [redacted] Home Page : www.geocities.com/boingo_the_clown/ Other Files By Author : Monster Skins Pack for Legacy (doomskin.wad), DeiM (coming soon!) Misc. Author Info : I am currently an animation student. I have no life. :-( Description : I was discussing with Thiery (Hurdler) the possibility of adding skins to Legacy that show the marine holding each of the different weapons, and having Legacy switch switch between them so other players will always see the player holding the correct weapon. To this end, I have started working on the neccessary skins. I only have the pistol marine and the shotgun marine so far, but this isn't the most important thing I am working on right now, so I can only work sporatically on the skins. I will be adding more skins as I am able to, until all the weapons are represented. I also plan to add a few other versions of the DooM marine, such as the evil marine, and the imp marine. :-) Skins included : Fist Marine (punching) (Added March 10, 2001) Marine with pistol Marine with shotgun Marine with chaingun (Added March 8, 2002) Chainsaw Marine (Added March 6, 2001) Additional Credits to : id of course! =========================================================================== * Type of DOOM or DOOM II file* Graphic Addon Only : Yes. Other : Yes. Skins Required To Have In Dir : Legacy running either DooM or DooM II (These skins may or may not work with some other DooM ports as well.) * Play Information * Map # : N/A. Episode and Level # : N/A. Single Player : Yes, but pretty useless in this case, because you can not see the skins in single player mode. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes. Difficulty Settings : N/A. New Sounds : None New Music : None. New Graphics : Yes. Demos Replaced : None. * Construction * Base : The skin graphics are repaints of the original id graphics. The shotgun marine uses graphics from DooM's sergeant. The pistol marine's walking sequence uses an arm and uzi (repainted as a pistol) from of one of the enemies from Strife. The chainsaw marine uses the arms and chainsaw from the chainsaw trooper from chainsaw.wad by Sam Diskie. (I am really not satisfied with these graphics, and intend to replace them, or at least repaint them heavily.) The fists marine uses resized and repainted graphics from the Baron of Hell. The punching sequence uses repainted graphics from the pistol marine. Anthony Cole used the pistol marine as a base along with the chaingunner from DooM II to create the chaingun marine. Build Time : A few hours for the shotgun marine. A litle over two days for the pistol marine (much more repainting required) Work still in progress. Less than a day (total) for the chainsaw marine (A hefty amount of repainting required) A couple of days for the fists marine (Again, still requires a lot of repainting.) Editor(s) used : Paint Shop Pro, Wintex 3.4, Wintex 4.2 Known Bugs : Wood lice, Cicadas, Beetles, etc., - The pistol marine uses mirrored sprites for viewing angles 6-8 in his walking sequence. I should create sprites for these views to keep the pistol consistantly in the marine's right hand. - The graphics "borrowed" from Sam Dickies's chainsaw trooper look rather bad. I will have to do a major repaint, possibly replacing them completely. - The far arm of the fists marine is incomplete, with a large gap appearing in his arm in some of the frames. - With the current moving frames, the fist marine's punches look like rather wierd looking uppercuts. I plan to change the walking sequence so that the marine's right arm is raised similarly to the way ninjas raise their weapon arms while running in anime films. This should give the marine a more forceful looking roundhouse punch. May Not Run With... : DooM ports other than Legacy (should run with ZDooM). * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. You may NOT accept money of any kind for this skin pack or any of the skins contained herein. (Hey! I'm not getting any money for this, so why should you?) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Where to get this WAD * The Boingo Page: www.geocities.com/boingo_the_clown/ (DeiM section) The Epidermis Emporium: http://members.fortunecity.com/doomskin/ (An older version currently exists there.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Miscellaneous info * March 10, 2001 : "Completed" the fists marine. Major repainting required. March 6, 2001 : "Completed" the chainsaw marine. It is quite usable, but I am not satisfied by the arm and chainsaw graphics from Sam Dickie's chainsaw.wad. The arms look terrible, and the saw suffers from major perspective problems. I will have to do a massive repaint to get this skin looking the way I want it to. July 23, 2000 : Added the pistol marine to the pack. Removed the red patches from the shotgun marine's arms. It is probable that the pistol marine will require some future modification before he looks the way I want him to. The left arm is still in its rifle-holding position, which looks rather strange without the rifle. May 20, 2000 : Completed the shotgun marine. I used the sergeant as the basis of the arms and shot gun, of course. Some red patches (blood) from the sergeant still remain on the arms. I will have to remove these patches at a future date.