This probably belongs in /.4/idgames/utils/exe_edit/patches/ (/pub/doom2/utils/exe_edit/patches/) Note that this is a *Doom II* patch--it will not work for either Doom or Ultimate Doom. (It will work with Final Doom and other Doom 2 variants) This zip file contains 2 Dehacked 3.0 patches, one which modifies the monsters in Doom2 (newmon.deh), and one which modifies the weapons in Doom2 (newgun.deh). Obviously, you should use both of these simultaneously; running newmon.deh by itself will be next to impossible, and running newgun.deh alone will give you way too much power. The two modifications are well balanced and bug free. I've tested them extensively on 30 levels of Doom (I forgot to modify the Nazis, oops! :) and they work just fine. I currently find them more enjoyable than the original Doom... weird, but true. I guess after 5 years of the same thing, some variety is fun :) The modifications: Weapons: 1--Fast Fist. Sure, not a big deal, but i had to do *something* to it :) 8--Teflon chainsaw. This blade runs *fast*... it can chew up anything :) 2--Shotgun. This is now the standard backup infantry weapon. 3--Infantry Plasma Rifle. The experimental prototype plasma rifle has been modified to make it suitable as a primary infantry rifle. Its rate of fire has been reduced to help soldiers conserve ammo. 9--Anti Tank Plasma. This modified plasma rifle fires a single anti- tank round capable of doing devestating damage to targets. 4--Auto-shotgun. This elite-squad unit is designed to fling lead everywhere. Fires 180 shells/minute (3/second). 5--BFG 9090. The experimental prototype BFG has been modified to make it suitable as an elite-squad unit. In order to reduce manufacturing costs, it no longer uses standard plasma cells (the plasma interface was too costly), but instead uses special energy cells. 6--UFG-A1. The Uranium Flechette Gun is an experimental weapon which uses uranium fission charges to propell titanium flechettes. It's high rate of fire makes it suitable for any encounter. 7--MetalStorm. This very recently developed firearm incorporates 3 UFG-A1s in a rotary configuration, spraying titanium flechettes at an unbelievably high rate of 200/second. Nothing can withstand its power. Note: due to the method by which Doom controls pickups, the objects that you pick up will not appear to match the weapon type you use. For example, if you pick up what appears to be a shotgun, you will receive weapon #3, the IPR. Changing the sprite to a plasma rifle sprite would cause you to receive weapon #6, which would be wholly inappropriate :) Monster modifications: Note: when running into a new monster, be sure to save before engaging it. The modifications may very well suprise you, and cause you to get slain quickly! Also, I only modified the attack types of the monsters... all monsters have the same hitpoints and attributes that they had before. This ensures compatibility with wads which take advantage of these attributes. (A skull which can't fly isn't going to be able to hurt you at the bottom of that lava pit you're pillar- hopping over) Zombieman -> Shotgun Dude fires a shotgun Shotgun Dude -> Plasma Dude moves fast for a zombie, and fires a plasma gun in semi-auto mode. Thank God he's too stupid to find the auto-switch! Chaingunner -> Auto-Shotgunner Yes, he's firing an automatic shotgun, at 3 rounds/second. Imp -> Nasty Imp. Hey, why won't this guy stop tossing fireballs at me? Demon -> Fast Demon Not only have they learned how to chew quickly, but they also charge at you at amazing speed! Spectre -> Fast Spectre Just the nearly invisible brother to the Fast Demon. Skull -> Exploding Skull Hey, these guys *hurt* when they blow up! AAAAAaaaa!!!! Cacodemon -> Nasty Cacodemon It's nice that they toss fireballs instead of lightning balls; it isn't nice that they just won't stop! Pain Elemental -> Spewer It's not safe to be around these guys when they blow up! Hell Knight -> Hellish Knight Hey, is that green stuff *following* me? OUCH! Baron -> Hellish Baron OK, yes, that green stuff *is* following me! Archvile -> Hellish Archvile Damn, no where to run, ok, I can eat one of his explosions... Wait a sec, that looks an awful lot like a BFG--*splat* Revenant -> Missle Skeleton He finally figured out how to get that other missle launcher on his shoulder to work... and now spews out waves of missles! Fat Boy -> Electro Pig Our favorite overweight beast has replaced his flamethrowers with a crackling electric pulse weapon. Looks much scarier than it is. Anachrotron -> Super Shotgunner Goddamn, isn't 10 rounds/second a bit much? Spider Mastermind -> Plasma Mastermind That plasma rifle he has installed sure is nasty! Cyberdemon -> BFG Demon Run away! Run away! And engage from *long* range... unless you have a MetalStorm handy :) So, that's my modifications... if you like them, email me at to let me know. If you hate them, email me anyway--I'm lonely :) Karl