Here is a draft version of an article that I intend to post periodically (maybe weekly, maybe monthly) in the Quake groups until the cross-posted traffic in drops down significantly. It explains how and why all Quake players should move to the new* groups and stop posting in the old group. Some people will probably object that some parts of this article are biased, but I think that nothing is wrong as long as you keep in mind that the best way to ensure that all Quake players can freely discuss Quake and read each other's articles is to make sure that nobody is lost in the old group.

Please send your comments and suggestions to me by e-mail. I will try to update this article as soon as possible and include the suggestions that I will have received.

How to move to*

Revision 0.1, by Raphael Quinet, 1996-04-15

1. Why Quake players should move to*

As you probably know, the "official" newsgroups for Quake are now, r.g.c.q.editing and r.g.c.q.misc, the latter replacing the old Quake group ( They have a better propagation, which means that more Quake players can read the articles posted in these groups. They also have a better structure, with separate groups for distinct topics (two new groups should be added soon: r.g.c.q.playing and r.g.c.q.servers) and a moderated r.g.c.q.announce group from which everybody can get reliable information. Furthermore, id Software recommends that you use r.g.c.q.misc for posting bug reports about the deathmatch test version of Quake (QTEST1).

If you didn't know all that, I suggest that you read the article titled ``FAQ: replacement of a.g.q by*'', which is posted weekly in these groups and is also available for download from the main Quake ftp site:
This FAQ will tell you much more than this article about how and why the old group was replaced, and I urge you to read it if you haven't done so yet.

Now that the r.g.c.q.* groups are available almost everywhere and most Quake players have moved to these groups, we must ensure that the newcomers are not lost in the old group. Unfortunately, the large number of cross-postings between the new and old group Quake groups make this difficult, because the articles cross-posted from other groups increase the traffic in and make it appear as a very active group, although lots of Quake players cannot read it.

We should try to reduce the proportion of cross-postings (currently 80%) so that the traffic in the old group drops down; this will also increase the visibility of the FAQs and pointers which are currently lost among the other articles. This will help the newcomers who will see more easily that they should move to the r.g.c.q.* groups. Some Usenet sites do not replace or remove an old group unless its traffic drops down or some local users request the change explicitely, so reducing the cross-postings will also help the users of these sites.

2. What you can do

Here are a few simple things that you can do if you want to help. Usenet is cooperative by nature and the old group will be successfully replaced by the new ones if and only if all readers of these groups contribute. This has worked very well for other newsgroups which have moved from alt.* to another hierarchy and now it's up to you to make sure that it works for the Quake groups too.

That's it. Please send your comments to me directly by e-mail. Do not post a followup in the newsgroups, because the discussion about this article would not be really on-topic. Also, I will be able to reply faster if you e-mail me than if I have to wait for your article to appear on my news server.