These are .bmp format graphic textures for use on the player and grunt models in Quake. These replace the graphics for the player or the grunt with graphics of 4-LOM the bounty hunter droid from Star Wars. Included files are: 4LOMplay.bmp - for player.mdl (player) h_4LOM.bmp - for h_player.mdl (head of player) 4LOMpic.bmp - pic of 4-LOM as a player in game 4LOMsold.bmp - for soldier.mdl (grunt) h_4LOMgt.bmp - for h_guard.mdl (head of grunt) 4LOM.txt - this text file Original artwork by Dan Bickell email: These textures were based on my former C3PO textures. Since I didn't have to start from scratch with this one, I spent a little extra time and made a NEW GUN!!! (don't know why people don't do that more often) For those who want to be in the know... 4-LOM is the CORRECT name for this character, NOT Zuckuss. The names were switched accidentally on the old Kenner action figures which has lead to years of confusion. 4-LOM is a droid designation (like C3-PO) and Zuckuss is the name of the bounty hunter of the Gand species. If you email me to tell me I got the name wrong, you're a loser. Paint Shop Pro was used to create the graphics Quakeme 2.3 was used to view, import, and test the textures The textures were tested with the registered version of Quake Please distribute freely, so long as the files are not altered. Please credit the artist if you use these graphics in your own project that you distribute.