Alternate Skin Replacement for Player --------------------------------------------------------------------- _complete with beard and shades_ Included files: alt.bmp Destination Model: player.mdl Author: Lucas Pope (Skywalker) with the exception of the axe (by iD Software) Author e-mail: Description: This is an original alternate player skin for the player model. Colors: original: shirt alternate: armor,pants original: pants alternate: arms, leg armor Gibs: None. Notes: This is designed to replace the default player skin without being drastically different or thematic. It's just a guy with a beard and cool armor.. and cool boots. I used Adobe Photoshop 3.0 for all the graphics, QuakeME 2.3 to import it into the player model, and Meddle 1.7 for final analysis because it has light-sourcing Bugs: shot point blank. blood everywhere. Thanks: to iD Software (particuarly Adrian Carmack and Kevin Cloud) to everybody on my LAN who helps me 'test' the skins. to Hipnotic Interactive for 'inspiring' this skin Distribution notes: Since this doesn't include any models, you'll need a utility like QuakeME 2.3 to apply it to the player model. This .zip file may be distributed freely so long as it is unaltered. And please give me credit if you use this skin in any other distributions. ------------ Just in case anyone who's gonna rip my graphics reads down this far... and cares about my happiness: ------------ If you make any modifications to this skin, do so in good taste and GIVE ME CREDIT. Nothing is as irritating as seeing my graphics in someone elses skin without any mention of my name anywhere. ------------ Other than that, do with this what you will... |_(_)(