Howdy' here are Bryan Bodell's (my) skins for 6/20/97 You can use these skins for your clans as long as you give me consent okay??? That's all i ask then you can use them in quake world for your clan. Enjoy. 1. The Infamous Unabomber Nice Unabomber skin 2.Hank Hill from king of the hill on that network 3.Dennis Rodman fun to kill 4. Tim McVeigh too scared to give him the death penalty? pratice with the lightning gun 5.Wax Blur piece of junk...use it if you want. looks kinda cool 6.Krypto guy with red stuff...look at it. too hard to explain....sorry if he glows in the dark that's it for now E-mail me! Comments, nags, compliments, whatever