6/16/98 map: sod1.bsp - sod off! 1.3 me: [ ] thetrooper from clan void - eMail: datrooper@hotmail.com ICQ: 10031289 map info: up to 4 teams going for one scout(flag,just wait you'll see),then droping him threw the (purple) void! grapple: no,you must suffer when you fall into the slime! editer and time: worldcraft with entediter and a hour or so(counting all the time it took me to find that fuckin green sky,and wc crashing) light and vis time: don't remember extra models or sounds: none thanks to: valar for helping me with out with alot of probs in the map i was too blind to see,and the rest of the voiders! copyright stuff: nope,i don't really care.