Quake 2 User Map Title: Jailbreak v1.0b(a work in progress) File Name: jailbreak1b.bsp Creator: David Heise aka ZugZug E-Mail: ZugZug@ix.netcom.com Single Player: No (not yet) DeathMatch: Yes (3-4 players) Co-Op: No CTF: No Copyright/Permissions: Authors May NOT use this level as a basis for creating their own level. It is the beginning of something greater and will only be modified by the author. This BSP may be distributed ONLY over the Internet and or BBS systems. You may not include this BSP file on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. Notes: This is about half of what will be a much larger single player level. Much of what you see in it may not be included in the final map. Please report any problems to me at the address above.