LAVATATION: THE OCTOBLIVION MECCA A big-ass deathmatch level for QUAKE 2. Release Date: 2/10/98 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title : LAVATATION: THE OCTOBLIVION MECCA Filename : octobliv.bsp Version : v.1.1 (Report Bugs, If Any) Author : Gino Campise "KaHm" Email Address : Homepage :! Description : LAVATATION: THE OCTOBLIVION MECCA is a relatively large map made for some serious deathmatches. With support for up to twenty players and plenty of rooms and weapons it is very cool. This is my second map and with each one I keep learning more so they will get alot better. Enjoy and visit the page. Map Layout The main area is comprised of 10 levels and different atmospheres that leave you little room for error. There is the main room, the lavatation room, that is pretty big and it has plenty of sniper spots. Be careful campers, this map was made so you will not be able to camp for long. There is also a slime room thats loaded with goods, plus many other assorted areas for you to explore. Notes: As I learn more about map designing my maps will continue to evolve into the best out there. A promise. I will try to release one or two a month. Maybe some single player levels. Hints : There are two "secret areas". You have to be blind not to see the main one. The other one is a little more hidden so go find it yourself:) Additional Credits to : id, ion, and all level designers for their great designs. Also to the Quake2 map sites on They put out some creative and serious work! Other Levels by Author :Slabrynth: THE REPLIMUTILATION FILE: Coming out on a Quake 2 level comilation CD!! LAVATATION might also follow it there! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Play Information * Single Player : no Cooperative : no Deathmatch : yes Skill Levels : na Number of Players : 20 * Construction * Base : My second Quake map and a good one. Editor(s) used : Quake 2 Deathmatch Maker Build Time : A week to design and 8 hrs 37 seconds to fully compile. Compile Machine : Pentium 200, 100 RAM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for playing LAVATATION: THE OCTOBLIVION MECCA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *** Copyrights/Permissions *** This map (octobliv.bsp) is copyright 1998 by G.C. Campise If you want to put this on your Quake2 level compilation CD contact me @ This map MAY NOT be used as a base for other levels. This map MAY be distributed on bbs sites or the WWW, as long as this text file is included, intact. This map MAY NOT be distributed on CD or floppy unless you have the author's permission. Copyright G.C. Campise 1998 All Rights Reserved