10/04/98 ================================================================ Title : Platsbergs2 by Gearbox Filename : platsbergs2.bsp Author : John Farmer a.k.a. Gearbox If you like it e-mail me, and your friends Email Address : farmerj@utech.net Description : DM only map. 8 DM starts. There is a level exit to Space.bsp of Quake2. This map is a conversion of a quake 1 map I made to quake2. The map is basically filled with non moving plat forms and elevated floors. Credits : Senmanz for play-testing. Additional Credits to : ID Software. ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : One start position used during map design. Cooperative : No, Deathmatch : Yes, 8 DM starts Players : 4-16 CTF : No * Construction * Base : From Scratch Finish Date : Oct. 04, 1998 Editor(s) used : Qoole 2.50 Known Bugs : None that I've seen. Design Time : 2 days Build Time : 4 weeks. ====================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You want ideas? Dream'em yourself. This BSP may be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems. If it is distributed by CD or other magnetic media as a cover-disk for a magazine - E-mail me to let me know. That's it.