20-6-98================================================================ Utopia: perfect place or state of things. (As described by the Oxford Dictionary) Title : Utopia Filename : utopia.bsp Author : Cheshire (Adam Quigley) Email Address : calypso@opera.iinet.net.au Send comments please! ICQ UIN : 2906439 EGN UIN : 12566 Homepage : http://www.iinet.net.au/~calypso Description : My first Q2 lvl, and my 4th map in total.... it is ideal for one on one, but can support up to 8. Relativly small, done in a "abandoned place" sorta idea, and VERY compact, heaps of lvl over level gameplay...Id say its design looks more like a quake1 deathmatch map would..but who cares, it plays like a dream anyway :). Thanks To : Red2 Ninja The-Beast Eclipse Exponent Ranger Pleb.........if he actually tested it ;P #Wa-Quakers ======================================================================= * Play Information * Single Player : Yes. look around an things Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : Yes. It is absolutely ideal for one on one, but as there is 8 DM respawns, up too 8 can play for a real bloodbath. Bots play ok..but not nearly as good as real people. New Sounds : No. New Graphics : No. New Music : No. Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : no idea how many hours, but about 2 weeks or so QBsp3 : 82 seconds QVis3 : 1461 seconds Rad3 : 2200 seconds Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6a Building machine : P75 24 Mb RAM (pity me...i play q2 with a screen the size of a 50c coin,:( and no 3dfx!) Known Bugs : none that i know of...my most perfect map to date :) Installation : Put the utopia.bsp file into the baseq2/maps directory, launch Quake2 and from the console type: map utopia ======================================================================= * Other Quake maps from me: (quake1 maps) Transvestite GoatFish (my first ever..be nice :P Persia Blade (many awards and things blah blah youll like it :P c0zm0 (very detailed..lesser machines will struggle...but i luv it :P * Copyright / Permissions * Copyright (c) 1998 Adam Quigley. All rights reserved. This map may be electronically distributed only with no charge to the recipient, and may not be modified in any way. This text file must be included with the level. This map may not be distributed on any CD-ROM without the prior, explicit written consent by Adam Quigley. This map may not be used on a commercial multi-player server without similar explicit written consent. ----------- calypso@iinet.net.au ------