Title	 : D2MAP07 for Eliminator Bot
Filename : elimd2m7.zip
Version  : 1.0
Date	 : 30/09/96
Author(s): Yonatan Donner
Email	 : yonatan.donner@tbu.excellnet.co.il OR donner@hum.huji.ac.il

Credits  : id Software for the game
	   Tom Mustaine for this great remake of the original Doom2 map07,
	     wonderful job!!
	   Cameron Newham for this awesome bot that feels like true deathmatch!

Type of Mod
Quake C  : no
Sound    : no
MDL      : no
MAP	 : yes

Format of Quake C
unified diff  : no
context diff  : no
.qc files     : no
progs.dat     : no
MAP file      : yes

Description of the Modification
I don't like the deathmatch levels in Quake very much, actually they are
nice but I had enough of them... I was very happy to see Tom Mustaine made a
Quake version of Doom2's map07, which is a great deathmatch level, and I
never got to play more than two players here... This map07 is great so I
wanted to play here, therefore I learned the waypoints system and made this
level work with the Eliminator bots.

It's my first try with waypoints and it's very "unclean"... Sometimes they
don't manage to jump to the weapons but usually they take the weapons and
jump very nicely, taking the quad damage and the thunderbolt in one jump, I
loved it... I have to rocket myself up or take the moving platform to take
the quad damage and they just jump, well I made them that why so why

Ok, I hope you enjoy it, DON'T use qbsp, at least when I used it there were
bugs in the level itself and I fell out of the map, use qdtools or
something... If you have any comments let me know, I'm very interested to
know what people think of this! I'll also record some demos of me beating
the bots in a 6-player deathmatch, if you want them I can send them to you
by mail.

Have fun!

How to use Modification
Use qdtools to add this map file to d2map07.bsp, then put it in your
eliminator/maps directory, and play!! Just like any other Eliminator
level... If you record any really cool demos where you REALLY beat these
bots by MUCH, I'd love to see them! I can easily beat them, I'm curious to
see other people do it (and I'm sure you'll do it better since I'm not as
good in Quake as I'm in Doom).

How to Install the Modification
Oops, I think I answered that above...

Technical Details
Thunderbolt with quad damage hurts a lot ;-)

Hmm, there may be two small bugs:

1. The bots don't always manage to jump on the weapons in the main arena
2. When the bots climb up, they take the weapons and jump down, they don't
always fall on just ground, sometimes they jump on weapons and then they
don't jump to the thunderbolt unless they get off and get on again, not
serious I think...

Author Information
This is the part I've been waiting for ;-)

Ok, I'm 16, live in Israel, love Quake and Doom even more, also science fiction
and if you really want to know more about me visit my homepage at
http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4704/ I know it's not very updated but
it has some information of the stuff I do...

Copyright and Distribution Permissions
Authors MAY use these modifications as a basis for other
publically available work, just give me credit!

You may distribute this Quake modification in any electronic
format as long as this description file remains intact and unmodified
and is retained along with all of the files in the archive.

This Eliminator level modification can be found at the following locations:

http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/4704/ (maybe)
Stomped? Until I get a real ppp account I won't know, it should happen
tomorrow though so no problems here ;-)