·· I N F O R M A T I O N ·· Title : Aghast Date of release : 5 January 2002 Files : aghast.bsp - map aghast.dem - intro demo aghast.ent - omicron route aghast.txt - this file Author : Vondur [Dmitry Svetlichny] Email address : von@vondur.net Homepage : Vondur's War Supply http://vondur.net Description : Quake 1 Deathmatch Environment Other maps by author : Q1dm - dokkur1-5, ferrum, zed, hook, zed2, lilith Q1sp - solfall, koohoo, nehahra project: neh1m9, nehend, t66 Q1ra - sannur Q2dm - svartur1-3, compass HLsp - sigur HLdm - scoff Q3A - kaos, nemesis Single Player : Just try walking around and staring at oldskool blockiness... Cooperative : No. Deathmatch : Duels must be good. But why not 2v2? Difficulty Settings : Eh? Base : Winter nights Editor(s) used : Worldcraft 3.33 Wally 1.55b TexMex 3.3 Photoshop 6.0 Aditor 3.10 Additional utils used : Tyrlite Rvis+ Qonverge Textures : Biff Debris's metal.wad Couple of id remixes by me Known Bugs : Not sure Build Time : Approximately one month ·· I N S T R U C T I O N S ·· You have to: 1. Unzip aghast.bsp into ../quake/id1/maps directory. 2. Run Quake. [GLQuake is preferred] 3. In Quake, at the console type "map aghast". 4. Play the map. 5. Enjoy it or hate it. 6. Exit the game. 7. Launch your mail program. 8. Write love/hate mail to von@vondur.net. Good luck... ·· N O T E S ·· This map is a result of several things, i.e. winter, that brings that special mood and ability to create Quake maps. Good music I've got recently. And some other things that inspired me, including maps by other authors... In the zip file you'll find aghast.dem file. It's an intro demo I made to introduce you this map. Enjoy! ·· C R E D I T S T O: ·· Riot for his AWESOME Qonverge utils which allowed me making Quake maps in WC 3.33!!! Its also possible to make Quake maps with GTKRadiant with them! (that was ad :) Many thanks, Riot! You rock! You may consider that this map appeared only thanks to Riot's utils! So...send gifts to him, people! Neal White III and Ty Matthews for awesome Wally [www.planetquake.com/wally]; Mickey for TexMex [www.planetquake.com/texmex]; Tyrann for tylite and rvis+ [www.planetquake.com/tyrann]; Beta testers (alphabetical order): Bal, ELEK, Frib, gibbie, GomJabbar, Skleros, zzjohnzz for testage and looking Stargazer for the awesome feedback ever and for poiting me on bug in all my readmes where I used to write "dokkur1-6" instead of "dokkur1-5". Immortal for the map title [www.immortal.nu] ·· L E G A L S T U F F ·· This BSP may be distributed ONLY via the Internet and/or BBS systems. You are NOT authorized to put this BSP on any CD or distribute it in any way without my permission. And don't remove this .txt file from the .zip archive! Keep it dark and bloody! [ v o n d u r ] -- Lyrics by Immortal that inspired the map title -- Suns That Sank Below [Music: Abbath/Demonaz; Lyrics: Demonaz] Mountainguarded from the light of sun In the valleys that we walk Dark spirits against the sun Gathered visioned in the ravenstorm Black winged wraths of opaque dreams Owners of frosted spheres Unearthly strangeness never sunrise here Crystaline formations Ice storms scar the sky A shadowed face in the widerness Knowing winter never dies Clearly I breathe In the forthcoming breeze With tempted eyes I dreamwatch dying suns I await Ephemeral suns to fall Aghast Light becomes darkness Black moon calls bleakness inside me No longer visions I see the dying suns go under Suns that sank below In snowblind visions I let the darkenning moon Become the jewel in my kingdom