February 2000 ================================================================ Title : Ravages of Sanguine BSP Name : alkdm01.bsp Author : Shaun Ross aka [Kona] Release Date : 10th February 2000 Email Address : alkali@ihug.co.nz Home Page : http://render-seed.cjb.net Ethereal Hell: SP Map Reviews http://etherealhell.cjb.net Map Description : Not many corridors, just four huge rooms where you can't run far from the action. Other maps by Author : Feb 00 - Mel Soaring 4: The Savage Sanguine (Q1SP) Dec 99 - On A Dreary Night (Q2DM) Dec 99 - Mel Soaring 3 - Tomb of the Makron God (Q2SP) Nov 99 - Pillars of Pain (HLSP) Oct 99 - Mel Soaring 2 - Star Rancor (HLSP) Sep 99 - Mel Soaring - Hear Me Roar (Q2SP) Mid 98 - The Alkado Adventure (Quake PC) Other Info : Please email me if you liked this level. This entire level is a section out of Mel Soaring 4: The Savage Sanguine (which you will find on my map review site). And just like Mel Soaring 3, there was one particular section which I thought would make a good deathmatch level. Four very large rooms connected together. I re-textured everything using the Rubicon textures Hint: shoot the black air vents under the stairs for secret weapons :P Additional Thanks to : Ben Morris for Worldcraft, ID Software for Quake The guys who made TexMex and Quark4 Textures by John Fitzgibbons, http://weber.u.washington.edu/~johnfitz/ ================================================================ * Installation * Unzip alkdm02.bsp to quake/id1/maps directory. At console type map alkdm02 * Play Information * Game : Quake Single Player : No Cooperative Play : No Deathmatch Play : 2-4 * MAP Information * Solids : 1115 Faces : 6500 PointEntities : 252 SolidEntities : 20 New Textures : Rubicon textures by John Fitzgibbons New Enemies/Sounds : No New Weapons/Quakec : No * Construction * Base : From Scratch Construction Time : Original design (alk05) about a week, converting to alkdm02 a few days. Build programs : Qbsp, ArghLight, rvis, Build Time : QBSP - 60sec ARGHLIGHT - 230sec (extra) RVIS - 1220sec, (level 4) Total - 1510sec, 25min Compile machine : P3 450mhz, 128mb RAM, Riva TNT2 Editor used : Worldcraft 1.6a Reg Known Bugs : None * Copyright / Permissions * You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels! You may distribute this BSP in any electronic format (BBS, Internet, PC/Game Mag cover-CD, etc) but you MUST inform me before you do this.