Use Notepad and stick on word wrap. ================================================== Quake Deathmatch Level! ======================= This file updated: 13/12/97 This map updated: 13/12/97 ***I've got QUAKE 2 - It's 2000 time better than ***Quake - go and buy it now please. *Title: The Tower V1.5 (see end of file) *Filename: APDM0.bsp *Author: Andrew Palmer (Bloodboy/thanatopsis) *E-mail adress: I have no E-mail adress! boo hoo! *Extra Info: I am a poor little boy with no modem and no network connection. For my Quake deathmatching pleasures I use the superb Reaperbot (V0.8) by Steven Polge. They rock! I'm also quite new to quake and can only seriously kick reaper ass in skill levels 0-1! *Additional credits: Steven Polge, ID Software, Ben Morris, Richard Fuller and Winzip. ================================================== IMPORTANT: Make sure there is no frag or time limit on or the samelevel CVAR is set to 1. Otherwise the level tries to change to a level called DMSTART which may cause Quake to crash if it can't find it. ================================================== *Single player: If you want to check it out *Co-operative: Don't be stupid, Duh! *Deathmatch: Of course, it's the best way to play I recommend between 2 and 6 players but 8 is also OK. Anything higher is bedlam! I've tried 15 Reaper Bots and the frags went through the roof - I got about 300 in fifteen minutes! *Teamplay: Yeah! it's quite cool as the level is kind of divided so one team hangs around the lightning gun and megahealth and the other team stick near the rocket launcher whilst the mega armour is in the middle. Try it with reaper bots 2 on 2! ================================================== *Extra Level Info: The level is quite small but not insanely small. It consists of a tall room with walkways and stuff in it and another room with a lightning gun in it. There are a few teleports but the destinations are out of the way of the action. If you are a sad lonely camping player, tough shit, there is nowhere to hide really. Check out my screenshots to see what the level looks like. *Weapons info: All the weapons are in and are scattered around evenly to give people a chance. Because the level is not that large there is no Quad damage or invunrability. *Intermission: Yes ================================================== *Basis: My old Dm7 map. *Editor used: Worldcraft because it's the best. *Compile system: K6 P200 MMX, 32MB RAM. *Compile time: A few minutes. (due to 100 lights, full VIS + extra light sampling) *Known bugs: None although items sometimes appear in teleport destination spots for no reason just like in IDs brilliant DM levels. Oh well. Must be a bug. NOTE: This doesn't seem to happen now since I re-built the level. ================================================== *You can also check out: The other stuff I have done. I've done quite a bit now, but it takes a long time. So far there is: APDM0: APDM0.ZIP This level, it's cool and lots of fun. APDM1: APDM1.ZIP My second level, much better, much cooler and for many more players (4-16). APDM2: APDM2.ZIP This is going to be good, it's bigger than DM8 and has lot's of large open areas as well as confined areas. So far, it rocks. THE_BASE: Duke Nukem single player level, My first ever level... ever. It took ages, since I finished it I have added bits and sorted out every little problem. It's big, supports co-op and has skill levels. I've done a couple of skins too. I doubt you will find them anywhere though because I haven't released them but one of them is good (the other is OK). Hopefully, I'll be registering worldcraft - as soon as it supports Quake 2 then I can make levels for that. If anyone who can program in Quake C is out there MAKE A QUAKE TO QUAKE 2 MAP CONVERTER PLEASE!! ================================================== *QUAKE 2: Sorry, I have been on my own all weekend and need to let it out. QUAKE 2 IS THE BEST GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED. (But will someone tell JC to make the mouse wheel work properly. I want to use it to cycle through Quake 2's meaty weaponry but it only works once either way) ================================================== Please visit Dystopia at: HTTP://CLANS.QUAKE2.CO.UK/DYSTOPIA We are currently a Quake + Quake II clan but we need more members and someone to manage the clan. Don't worry about the website, we just need someone to organize the games, boss people about and get new recruits. ================================================== *THIS IS AN UPDATED LEVEL: This level was once called DM7 and was basically the same in layout as the map in this archive. Since it was my first level I made a bit of a mess of it and it wouldn't VIS properly. This is why I re-wrote the map. This version (1.5) cures many of the problems of the first map and adds to it aswell. It still has 8, out of the way start points but some of them are repostioned to concide with some of the new architecture. I have added an extra corridor which enables you to get from the bottom of the megahealth room to the top of it. A few of the powerups have also been repositioned. The walkways and doorways are now easier to get around without getting stuck on things, which was pain in the arse before. Cosmetically, the level looks completely different, it has new textures, new architecture and more sombre lighting. It now looks quit cool and has visible light sources rather than bright lights everywhere. There is much more detail but the running speed isn't really affected because it VISed properly. There is an outdoor area, but you can't go out there or see much of it as it is just for effect. ==================================================